如何在招聘中消除谎言 | 巴托比专栏
求职信中的虚情假意是如此直白(“当我看到这份工作的招聘广告时,兴奋得都快晕过去了”),人们已渐渐不再把它当回事。在面试阶段,公司招聘人员面临的一个任务就是套出一个人对某个项目究竟贡献几何。问候选人有什么弱点和失败经验这种老掉牙的问题是有原因的,因为没有人会主动提起这些。认知和行为测试之所以有用,部分原因是申请者更难钻空子。... ...【想要继续阅读付费文章?】欢迎订阅《经济学人·商论》继续读完本文双语版。
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权力是企业生活中的现实存在。它也影响行为。研究表明,权力让人更不容易接受他人的建议,即使对方是自己行业里的专家。权力让人更可能去满足自己的生理需求。在伦敦大学学院的安娜·吉诺特(Ana Guinote)进行的测试中,有权有势者相比更弱小者更可能选择巧克力等诱人的食物,而对小萝卜等更有营养的零食不屑一顾。在交谈中,位居高位的人往往自我陶醉:他们认为自己的故事比对话者的更加鼓舞人心。
POWER IS A fact of corporate life. It also affects behaviour. Research suggests power makes people less likely to take the advice of others, even if those others are experts in their fields. It makes them more likely to gratify their physical needs. In a test conducted by Ana Guinote of University College London, powerful people were likelier than less powerful folk to choose tempting food, like chocolate, and ignore worthier snacks like radishes. In conversations, the powerful are bewitched by themselves: they rate their own stories as more inspiring than interlocutors’.
They struggle to see things from the perspective of others. In one famous experiment, some people were asked to recall a time they held power over someone else and others a time when another person was in a more powerful position than them; both groups were then asked to draw a capital “E” on their own foreheads. Subjects primed to think of themselves as powerful were three times more likely to draw the “E” as though they were looking at it themselves, making it appear backwards to anyone else.
Power even makes people think they are taller. In another experiment, those coaxed to think of themselves as powerful were more likely to overestimate their own height relative to a pole, and to pick a loftier avatar to represent them in a game, than less potent counterparts. .... ...