




Please scan the QR code to RSVP.      


Sihasin China Tour: Performance in Beijing 

时间 | Time: 

2024 年 3月25日,星期一


Monday, March 25, 2024

20:00 (Doors open at 19:00) 

地点 | Location



  Dusk Dawn Club “DDC” 

(B1, 39 Shenlu Jie, Chaoyang District, Beijing)  



Please click "read more" or scan the QR code in the poster above to RSVP.      




What’s Dine’ (Navajo) culture? Have you ever listened to any songs from this unique culture?  Join us at the Dusk Dawn Club in Beijing to celebrate the music of Native American band “Sihasin” and get a sense of what their music stands for.  

Sihasin是由来自亚利桑那州北部迪内纳瓦霍民族获奖音乐家Jeneda Benally,Clayson Benally和Jones Benally组成的三人乐队。他们的音乐将和声、贝斯与鼓相结合,并体现出传统纳瓦霍音乐的风格,即融合了民族、摇滚、流行和世界音乐,并带有一些朋克风。

Multi award winning musicians Jeneda, Clayson and Jones Benally from the (Dine) Navajo Nation in Northern Arizona create an explosive trio of just bass, drums and vocals with a traditional Navajo backbone bridging folk, rock, world, pop and a little punk.

他们的首张专辑《Never Surrender》由格莱美奖获得者 Ed Stasium 制作,几乎囊括了美洲印第安音乐界的所有奖项。《Never Surrender》在 Sirius XM 的原住民音乐排行榜长达18 周榜上有名,最终登上榜首。该乐队同时获得了《赫芬顿邮报》的重点报道。

Their first album “Never Surrender” produced by Grammy award winner Ed Stasium has won just about every award on the American Indian Music Scene. “Never Surrender” spent 18 weeks on Sirius XM’S Aboriginal countdown reaching the #1 spot and was highlighted in the Huffington Post.  

Sihasin的第二张专辑《Fight Like A Woman》获得了11 项美洲原住民音乐类别奖项的提名,并赢得了 2 项全球音乐奖。几十年来,该乐队一直通过录制唱片和巡回演出的方式,将他们充满活力和意义非凡的音乐带到欧洲和北美的不同社区。

Sihasin’s second album “Fight Like A Woman” has received 11 nominations in the Native American Music Categories and won 2 Global Music Awards. For decades, the band has been recording and touring bringing their empowering organic conscious raising charged music to communities throughout Europe and North America. 


In 2024, we are bringing Sihasin and its inspirational music to the communities in China, hoping that this tour can help bridge cultures and bring people together, further expand people-to-people ties between the United States and China.  

作为美国国务院 2024 年“American Music Abroad”项目的一部分,Sihasin中国之行向观众展示了新一代的美国音乐使者,他们走出音乐厅,与中国公众和音乐家们交流互动,借此促进对彼此文化的相互理解和欣赏。

Sihasin’s visit to China, as part of the U.S. Department of State’s American Music Abroad 2024 season presents the new generation of America’s musical ambassadors, reaching beyond concert halls to interact with citizens and musicians in China to promote mutual understanding and appreciation of each other’s cultures.  


18 岁以下人员谢绝参加。 

People under 18 are not allowed in.  



You must pre-register for the event and show a valid registration code in order to enter the performance venue.   



Guests must bring a valid, original, physical photo identification to participate in the event, pictures or copies of IDs are not acceptable. 



This event is open to the public.  Participants may not make audio or video recordings of the program.  Direct press inquiries to the U.S. Embassy Press Office.  



Attendees grant permission to the U.S. Department of State to photograph and video record their image and/or voice, and to release, publish, broadcast, or quote images, recordings and their content in public information programs and activities such as in speeches, on the Internet, through multiple broadcast channels, and in print media.   The Department will not use images, audio, video, or their content for commercial purposes.     



According to the venue, audiences are not allowed to bring drinks or foods to the performance. There are lockers to save personal belongings at the entrance, as well as clothing racks inside the venue.   



There’s no seating available on the first floor.   



Flammable, explosive and other dangerous goods are not allowed in the venue.   



Please mute your mobile phones and turn off the flashlight.   



Smoking is prohibited in the venue.  


For security reasons, the Embassy staff reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone.   



Follow the USEmbassyChina WeChat account for the latest event information. 


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