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在长辈眼里,媒体人是个黄金圣斗士一样的职业:人脉上通天下通地、走路有风出门还有车马费。但轮到我们这辈入行的时候正值“三网合一”被新媒体打得措手不及的年代,传统媒体一度被戏称为“夕阳行业”。2024年的今天,我好奇曾经的媒体人都在哪里,在做什么?我们是否还能从ta们后来的故事,找到属于那个黄金年代的理想、情怀、风骨?In the eyes of our parents' generation, being a media professional is like being well-connected, respected, and having a very high social status. However, when it was our turn to enter the field, the "Triple Play" was smashed by the rise of social media, and the industry of traditional media was often referred to as a "sunset industry." In 2024, I am curious about where the former media professionals are now and what they are doing. Can we still find the idealism, passion, and integrity from that golden era of media in their subsequent stories?“为了环保,设计应该有所不为”,Yidi现场表达这个观点时的言辞更为直球且劲爆。时尚编辑、模特、策划人、社群主理再跨界到用可持续理念加持实体制造业,这次我们来听她讲她与MATTTER的故事。十年背包客,住过印度艾滋病村,见过被恐袭后的斯里兰卡,进过战区,也看过无边大海上的落日。今年 3 月,Miki 带着对世界和人生的数个疑问,来到了波斯。原本以为只是一次丝绸之路的探索之旅,谁知这趟为期一个月的行程却在计划之外跟国际大新闻事件联系在一起,也正因如此让 Miki 找到了疑问的解答。Imagine Surfing冲浪公益企划联合发起人讲讲没有因为AI而失业反而"再就业"的前记者画起了一句话配图新闻,与过于佛系的根本不催稿的编辑在近两年的过程中无意间记录了这一波"新AI元年"业界及世间百态的故事。主讲人 SPEAKER
前记者,新闻学辍学生。设计师、互动工程师、2018年偶遇新车间后现在家里塞了两台镭射机、永续阳朔小组发起人。19:45-21:00 嘉宾分享 Topic Sharing* Cinderella Time 灰姑娘时刻 *场地特性:九点后需要大家快步撤离,移步至其他地方续摊!想继续的朋友们可以楼下便利店扎扎堆。Venue Special Rule: Close at 9 PM, but we can move to another location to continue the gathering!ADD: 3F, 11-1 Xuhongbei Road, Xuhui, SH徐家汇街道社区生活服务中心
Scan to sign up to get Entry Code欢迎关注本期场地方 Slash Kingdom 公众号藉此过渡期的机会,新车间传统的开放夜活动将扩展出主线和副线版本。主线新车间开放夜 将专注于垂直的硬核科技内容,副线外送开放夜 将进一步将话题光谱拓展至社科、文化、艺术等方方面面。外送开放夜将联合数个第三方社区,形成新的常规活动,方便身处住在上海各区的朋友们,甚至上海之外的朋友们。It's not the first time that Xinchejian has moved, and we are taking this transitional period as an opportunity to implement a long-planned idea: splitting Xinchejian Open Night into a main line and a side line. The main line will focus on hardcore tech content, while the side line, the "TAKEOUT OpenNight," will expand the topics to include social sciences, culture, arts, and more.The TAKEOUT OpenNight will collaborate with several third-party communities and become a regular event, making it more convenient for all makers living in various districts of Shanghai and even those outside of Shanghai.明天的开放夜有三位免费入场名额,