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具体什么policy,有知道的吗? 横感兴趣,父母探亲很适合啊
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Sesame Announces New Partnership with Costco September 25, 2023 | Read Time - 2 minutes Written by Leah Rosenfield Sesame teams up with Costco to bring high-quality, affordable healthcare to members. Accessing healthcare should be as easy and affordable as shopping at Costco - and for Costco members, it now is. On September 25, Sesame and Costco announced a partnership to offer special discount pricing to all Costco Members on a broad range of outpatient medical care offered at Sesame. “Quality, great value and low price are what the Costco brand is known for,” said David Goldhill, Sesame’s co-founder and CEO, and a serial author on American healthcare reform. “When it comes to health care, Sesame also delivers high quality and great value – and a low price that will be appreciated by Costco Members when it comes to their own care.”
We've addressed some FAQs about the partnership and how it works below: What kind of perks do Costco members receive?
All Costco Members will receive Sesame’s best pricing on a range of health services across all 50 states, such as:
● Virtual primary care, just $29. ● Health check-ups (a standard lab panel, plus a virtual follow-up consultation with a provider), just $72. ● Virtual mental health therapy, just $79. ● Plus, 10% off of all other Sesame services, including in-person appointments.
How do Costco members access their perks?
Before Costco members can access special discount pricing on Sesame, they will need to create an account and verify their Costco membership via their account. To get started, click here.
Why is this partnership unique?
Many retailers are expanding their healthcare offerings by offering preventative and urgent care services in-store, as well as pharmacies. By partnering with Sesame, Costco is providing its members access to Sesame’s marketplace of low-price healthcare services, virtually or in-person with a provider, all at an exclusive discount. With the option to bring healthcare into their home, Costco members will have access to care in a setting that’s right for them, along with the ability to develop long-term doctor-patient relationships with a Sesame provider.
What is Sesame?
Sesame has built a unique health care marketplace, connecting thousands of outpatient healthcare providers covering all 50 United States with American consumers seeking high-quality, convenient medical care at half the price of what is typical.
By bringing marketplace dynamics to consumer healthcare for the first time, Sesame has created an environment where providers actually compete to serve patients, regardless of their insurance status. The resulting competition lowers the price of care, drives complete price transparency, provides ready access to health providers (the majority of appointments on Sesame take place within two hours), and ensures a high-quality consumer experience with top-rated providers.
Providers in the Sesame marketplace include primary care doctors and nurses, more than 40 health specialties, labs and imaging centers; and are inclusive of both virtual and in-person care.
Sesame doesn’t accept health insurance (which also keeps prices low). This makes it ideal for Costco Members that prefer to pay cash for their health care, whether it is because they are enrolled in high deductible insurance plans, are uninsured, or simply appreciate the price, quality and convenience of Sesame.
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Sesame Announces New Partnership with Costco September 25, 2023 | Read Time - 2 minutes Written by Leah Rosenfield Sesame teams up with Costco to bring high-quality, affordable healthcare to members. Accessing healthcare should be as easy and affordable as shopping at Costco - and for Costco members, it now is. On September 25, Sesame and Costco announced a partnership to offer special discount pricing to all Costco Members on a broad range of outpatient medical care offered at Sesame. “Quality, great value and low price are what the Costco brand is known for,” said David Goldhill, Sesame’s co-founder and CEO, and a serial author on American healthcare reform. “When it comes to health care, Sesame also delivers high quality and great value – and a low price that will be appreciated by Costco Members when it comes to their own care.”
We've addressed some FAQs about the partnership and how it works below: What kind of perks do Costco members receive?
All Costco Members will receive Sesame’s best pricing on a range of health services across all 50 states, such as:
● Virtual primary care, just $29. ● Health check-ups (a standard lab panel, plus a virtual follow-up consultation with a provider), just $72. ● Virtual mental health therapy, just $79. ● Plus, 10% off of all other Sesame services, including in-person appointments.
How do Costco members access their perks?
Before Costco members can access special discount pricing on Sesame, they will need to create an account and verify their Costco membership via their account. To get started, click here.
Why is this partnership unique?
Many retailers are expanding their healthcare offerings by offering preventative and urgent care services in-store, as well as pharmacies. By partnering with Sesame, Costco is providing its members access to Sesame’s marketplace of low-price healthcare services, virtually or in-person with a provider, all at an exclusive discount. With the option to bring healthcare into their home, Costco members will have access to care in a setting that’s right for them, along with the ability to develop long-term doctor-patient relationships with a Sesame provider.
What is Sesame?
Sesame has built a unique health care marketplace, connecting thousands of outpatient healthcare providers covering all 50 United States with American consumers seeking high-quality, convenient medical care at half the price of what is typical.
By bringing marketplace dynamics to consumer healthcare for the first time, Sesame has created an environment where providers actually compete to serve patients, regardless of their insurance status. The resulting competition lowers the price of care, drives complete price transparency, provides ready access to health providers (the majority of appointments on Sesame take place within two hours), and ensures a high-quality consumer experience with top-rated providers.
Providers in the Sesame marketplace include primary care doctors and nurses, more than 40 health specialties, labs and imaging centers; and are inclusive of both virtual and in-person care.
Sesame doesn’t accept health insurance (which also keeps prices low). This makes it ideal for Costco Members that prefer to pay cash for their health care, whether it is because they are enrolled in high deductible insurance plans, are uninsured, or simply appreciate the price, quality and convenience of Sesame.
hellohappy 发表于 2023-10-19 00:27

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Costco Announces $COST CEO, Craig Jelinek will step down as CEO, Ron Vachris elected as new CEO
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如果是真的 那我就买它家的会员。
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habibi 发表于 2023-10-19 00:28

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太好了,我之前用过我家庭医生的virtual appointment远程问诊,见一次也要一两百块,这个29刀好赞!小毛病或者开个什么药很便宜就搞定
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這個好, 希望能掀起美國醫療保險系統的好的改革.
现在连袜子都买不到纯棉的了国内那些新晋奶茶你都喝过吗不能吃的蛋黄怎么处理不浪费?走进400年历史的洋葱头教堂背coach丢人吗听了几十年西伯利亚冷空气 今天终于见到了La Seconde Guerre MondialeHeather Graham and Colin Firth\'$29的线上问诊服务竟然来自Costco?Costco可以看病了?体检只需要$72?国内孩子来美国读高中可行吗?古装女神千千万!你最喜欢谁的古装扮相?如祺出行、飞天兆业,拟香港/美国上市,备案补充材料要求(2023年10月7日—2023年10月12日)想从西雅图润澳洲了,求建议361集团-2023中期业绩报告go to find specific information by hashtag Rewards flow to thoseCostco会员新福利!低至$29的线上问诊,不用保险!可以给来探亲的父母看病开药吗?围岛军演为了什么?人类脊梁啊回国两个月只见了一个朋友,有我这样没朋友的人吗?也谈谈养老刚刚,交易所公布最新IPO排队名单(截止到2023年10月29日)​大家痛恨UC大学不择优录取老中人才,却能容忍大厂滥招大公校转码水硕华人智囊团遇到这种朋友应该怎么应对?lululemon折扣区上新啦!Define Jacket的Java金色打折,美德拉色超适合秋冬上海海滩失踪小女孩的尸体找到了删帖~最值得给娃打的疫苗,接种率却不到 3%!现在不用排队,抓紧打!Costco开启$29线上问诊,不用保险,就能买药!4090显卡全面下架,老黄也架不住压力了Costco再放大招!无需保险、免排队,$29看病开处方!单位是职场,家里是战场只需29刀!Costco新服务:无需保险、不用排队,就能看病拿处方药!稻花香老公在reddit说他老婆要自己掏280k孝敬她爹妈是疯了周六练自己练娃马斯克在twitter上招聘信息 解答正确会被录用!美国很快将不再是“白人国家”了?国家药监局关于连花清咳片等3种处方药转换为非处方药的公告无聊的星期天太赞啦!Costco全新服务:不用保险,不用排队,就能看病拿处方药!只需29刀