【花样女神节】前序 "一棵开花的树"+《1 Kiss》plus 豆荆花(Gorse)
年少时读席慕容的诗很多,喜欢这首一棵开花的树,到了上大学有文娱节目时跟我们宿舍的人说我想读这首诗,大家评论说我的普通话不地道只好做罢。很久以前的事了, 这次看到唱坦女神节庆祝需要花为主题的东东,神使鬼差的就想到了这首诗。 读了给我家大叔听,他边听边默默喝茶,听完佯怒,说这个把他的茶味和心情给弄坏了,因为他觉得那个佛也太没有良心了,人家向他许愿,祈祷了500年,结果把人家变了棵不会说话不能动的树,虽然开了花,可是路上那么多开花的树,那个人他(她)怎么知道看哪棵…
觉得他说的有理,这首诗着实有点伤感,里面用情的人也太痴迷含蓄矜持,那就改改画风,用首热情快乐的歌来补补, 挑了 这首 1 Kiss:一来每每出去散步无论哪个季节都看到荆豆花(Gorse),谚语云” When gorse is out of bloom, kissing is out of season”,四周那么多荆豆花,该配首Kiss的歌,也正好曲线和女神活动的关键字"花"连上,二来,和孩子们从前跳Just Dance, 常常有跳这个歌,它给了我们很多记忆,三来说到Gorse,想起文学大家,劳伦斯(DH Lawrence)的作品里写了好多Gorse因为荆豆花是英国田野风光最平常多见植物,这首kiss算是给那些默默的荆豆花吧。最后,祝所有的女神们:家人,朋友,歌舞友,战友…,谢谢你们一年四季日日给我带来温暖,关爱,快乐,希望和无比美妙的人间烟火,祝福女神们万岁, 节日快乐!
一棵开花的树 by 席慕蓉 背景音乐: 古琴 《长门怨》
如何让你遇见我, 在我最美丽的时刻
我已在佛前求了五百年, 求它让我们结一段尘缘
佛于是把我化作一棵树, 长在你必经的路旁
阳光下慎重地开满了花, 朵朵都是我前世的盼望
当你走近,请你细听, 颤抖的叶,是我等待的热情
在你身后落了一地的, 朋友啊,那不是花瓣, 是我凋零的心
One Kiss (winner of the 2019 Brit Award) by Dua Lipa & Calvin Harris
Cover By 天萝
One kiss is all it takes, Fallin' in love with me, Possibilities
I look like all you need.
Let me take the night, I love real easy
And I know that you'll still wanna see me
On the Sunday morning, music real loud
Let me love you while the moon is still out
Something in you, Lit up heaven in me, The feeling won't let me sleep
'Cause I'm lost in the way you move, the way you feel
One kiss is all it takes, Fallin' in love with me, Possibilities
I look like all you need.
One kiss is all it takes, Fallin' in love with me, Possibilities
I look like all you need.
I just want to feel your skin on mine, Feel your eyes do the exploring
Passion in the message when you smile, Take my time
It's something in you, Lit up heaven in me
The feeling won't let me sleep
'Cause I'm lost in the way you move, the way you feel
One kiss is all it takes, Fallin' in love with me, Possibilities
I look like all you need.
One kiss is all it takes, Fallin' in love with me, Possibilities
I look like all you need.
See wonderland in your eyes, Might need your company tonight
Something in you, Lit up heaven in me
The feeling won't let me sleep
'Cause I'm lost in the way you move, the way you feel
One kiss is all it takes, Fallin' in love with me, Possibilities
I look like all you need.
One kiss is all it takes, Fallin' in love with me, Possibilities
I look like all you need.