

有段时间没有设计制做新的款式了。刚开始,没有把握-毕竟,设计制作包包是自己的爱好和尝试!通过这几个月来的实践-好象所有的设计都有人买。 给了我点信心 !心里涌起了创作的冲动。

开始认真地对待自己的设计制做,终于下决心定制了自己LOGO,这样我就可以在皮具上烙印上VHNY 了! 

可能是已经做了几十个包包,比较的有经验,一切都比较的顺利。本来是想尝试设计制做一个有扎染效果的牛仔包,结果发现这牛仔布是防水的,而且具有其他牛仔布所没有的精致高档的感觉!临时改变了设计-Sophisticated yet very Trendy! 

成品拍摄的过程也是非常省力,就拍了5个镜头,而且都很好。 “摄影师”非常意外,感觉我没有以前那么较劲了。其实不是了!只是通过磨合之后,“摄影师”知道了我的喜好而已!

刚看了The Hobbit, 喜欢其中气势磅礴的主题歌,并附上歌词。

Song of the Lonely Mountain (The Hobbit)

Far over the Misty Mountains rise
Leave us standing upon the heights
What was before, we see once more
Our kingdom a distant light
Fiery mountain beneath the moon
The words unspoken, we’ll be there soon
For home a song that echoes on
And all who find us will know the tune
Some folk we never forget
Some kind we never forgive
Haven’t seen the back of us yet
We’ll fight as long as we live
All eyes on the hidden door
To the Lonely Mountain borne
We’ll ride in the gathering storm
Until we get our long-forgotten gold
We lay under the Misty Mountains cold
In slumbers deep and dreams of gold
We must awake, our lives to make
And in the darkness a torch we hold
From long ago when lanterns burned
Till this day our hearts have yearned
Her fate unknown the Arkenstone
What was stolen must be returned
We must awake and make the day
To find a song for heart and soul
Some folk we never forget
Some kind we never forgive
Haven’t seen the end of it yet
We’ll fight as long as we live
All eyes on the hidden door
To the Lonely Mountain borne
We’ll ride in the gathering storm
Until we get our long-forgotten gold
Far away from Misty Mountains cold.

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来源: 文学城-一生似浮云