网红李子柒 (w English)

网红李子柒 (w English)

最近,某人向我郑重其事地介绍了这位女子,一个十四岁就辍学去外面大城市打工,后来因为奶奶生病回到家乡,现在因拍的录像在YouTube上有上百万,甚者接近千万的点击率而红了半边天的奇女子。据说她从YouTube等网上的收入超过了一个中小型企业 (一年的收入上千万人民币?),可谓名利双收。 出于好奇,我也跟着接二连三地看起了她的短篇录像。                      
在这样的田野上耕作,再把收获的果实制作成各种美味佳肴,端上饭桌,闭着眼睛都能想象食物的新鲜,诱人。李子柒和奶奶一起居住的地方,宽敞的前后院种着蔬菜,挂着各色瓜果,陪伴她们的还有狗,饲养的鹅、鸭、 羊。 子柒采的几朵花几束草每次不同,摆在案板旁,看似随意却又肆意地点缀的春色、秋意和冬景。
这也许就是李子柒的成功之处。她用灵巧的双手编织着城市人的梦想,拨动了人们心底里的那根柔弦,把人们对世外桃源生活的向往变成了现实,展现在观众面前。在那里,人们可以远离尘嚣,自耕自种,丰衣足食; 在那里人们可以尽情收获大自然的美和丰盛。


The first time I heard of Ziqi Li was from my coworker, an Indonesian Chinese, whose Chinese is so limited that she always consults me regarding the Chinese characters, movies or TV series.  When she approached me the other day with Ziqi Li’s name, I thought it is just another actor/actress or singer she has a penchant for. The googling of Ziqi’s name returned with some of her pictures and information that I was not familiar with, making me think that she is just one of many cooks who introduces home style cooking on Youtube. 

The name resurfaced lately when my husband started watching Ziqi’s videos on Youtube. Each single video she posted there boasted millions of hits and followers.  Like many binge watchers, we whiled away our nights with her videos.  What draws me to the screen is not her cooking, but the beautiful scenery in a remote backwater in Sichuan. I felt like being transported to the place where white clouds afloat above the misty valleys, and where pink lotus flowers abloom on the green ponds. What Ziqi lives in with her grandma is a home that is environed by an expanse of gardened vegetables, fruits and flowers, in the company of pet dogs, chickens, sheep, geese and pigs. It is against this idyllic setting that most videos are shot.

I don’t know what is roused in the hearts of millions of viewers.  Stirring inside me is a longing to escape from the bustling city and to return to nature, where people are self-sufficient in a leisure environment. By sweat, people can harvest from the land what they sow and desire. Food is brought to table freshly off the field, the sumptuousness of which leaves them with more than they can eat. In Ziqi’s case, she pickles extra vegetables or meat for off-seasons and for different flavors. Flowers or fruits are dried and fermented into flower teas or wines. Life in winter could be just as extravagant with those in store. Though her cooking style, basically Sichuan cuisine, with lots of oil and hot chilies, is not to my liking, her aesthetic arrangements of food and the casting background are ingenious and provoking.

Ziqi is legendary. As a school dropout at age 14, she left her hometown to seek a better life in a big city. But it is back to the secluded home that she found her place and niche. In addition to being a cook, she embroiders. With cloth, wools or cocoons, she deftly hand-makes shoes, sweaters or quilts.  As the only offspring or labor living with the old grandma, she toils in the field and does everything from plowing to harvesting.  Surprisingly she knows how to make furniture, turning fresh green bamboos or logs to a tea table or a sink stand, with only the help of a few simple tools like a cutter, a manual saw, a screw and a ruler. And from the scratch, she mixed sand, soil and straws, used bricks into building a two-layered oven in which bread, chickens are baked by glaring woods.

Because of these videos, Ziqi becomes well-known locally and globally. What she presents to the world is not just her skills or a scene in southwestern China, but a lifestyle that evokes people’s aspirations and dreams. 

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来源: 文学城-暖冬cool夏