转发邮件 80-20 关于亚裔美国人

转发邮件 80-20 关于亚裔美国人


80-20 Effectiveness/DOL Secretary Su



80-20's Unique Effectiveness -- Winning

Equal Opportunity for AsAm Children


      Harvard was admitting 17% +/- 3% AsAm student for years, when 80-20 began fighting against the college admissions policies of the Ivies. Look how things changed today.


      According to the latest issue of Harvard Magazine:

”By other measures of diversity, according to the announcement, among those admitted to the class of 2027, 15.3 percent identify as African American/ Black, 29.9 percent as Asian American, 11.3 percent as Latinx, 2.2 percent as Native American, and 0.5 percent as Native Hawaiian. Women are 53.6 percent of those accepted....


?      In additionthe Supreme Court is widely expected to rule in favor of our lawsuit against Harvard for discrimination against AsAm applicants. It was filed by SFFA under the stewardship of Ed BlumIt was heartily supported by 80-20 morally, financially and by recruiting key witnesses for SFFA. In short, 80-20 may have helped win equal opportunity for our children permanently.


      Furthermore80-20 is one of the only two AsAm Nat'l orgs. that fought that critical battle for our children.


Urging Acting Labor Sec. Julie Su to Enforce Labor Laws

to Shatter Bamboo Ceiling Above AsAms


      Many AsAm national orgs. wrote Pres. Biden urging him to appoint Julie

Su as his labor secretary. 80-20 didn'tWhy? We have long learned that AsAm officials don't necessarily help protect AsAm rights. Examples are former Labor Sec. Elaine Chao, and Rept. Michelle Steel of CA-45. 80-20 wants to see proven service to our community first before supporting them.


      Accordingly, 80-20 wrote Sec. Su urging her to enforce existing labor laws to give AsAm EQUAL opportunity in workplaces. The letter was sent in Woo's name, although it was mostly the outstanding work of our Board Member Jing-Li Yu who is also a rising lawyer. Sec. Su has already acknowledged the receipt of my letter, shown below:

       My letter states: " ... Now you have the historic opportunity to correct this long-standing injustice. As you know, as the head of the DOL, you are charged with enforcing E.O. 11246, which requires federal contractors to take actions to prevent discrimination in hiring and promotions. And if a federal contractor is found to discriminate illegally, DOL has the power to debar them from receiving any more contracts. You also know that a huge part of the private sector has at least one federal contract, so E.O. 11246 applies



      "In addition to your authority under E.O. 11246, you also have the additional moral authority of President Biden’s executive order signed earlier in his term. Please see Pres. Biden’s recent statements recorded in a 2-minute video


      Biden: “That's why I signed an Executive Order condemning racism

      and xenophobia against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and

      directing the federal government to advance racial equity in all

      that we do.


      For Biden's Executive Order to advance racial equity, click on"



    "History and the AsAm community await your response! .... S. B. Woo" 

      The above two events demonstrate that 80-20 fights for AsAm children and adults. It fights with unique effectiveness.


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S. B. Woo

President and a volunteer for the past 25 years,

80-20 Educational Foundation, Inc, a 501 C-3 organization,

Lieutenant Governor of Delaware (1985-89)

80-20 EF Mission Statement

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来源: 文学城-PeonyInJuly
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