Miegan?i? drugeli? tvirtov?

Miegan?i? drugeli? tvirtov?

Gim? 1961 m. lapkri?io 14 d.
Mir? 2007 m. vasario 17 d. (45 metai)
Palaidotas (-a) Antakalnio kapin?se Meninink? kalnelyje
T?vas Igoris Ivanovas
Motina Ingrida Korsakait?
Veikla prozinink?, eseist?, poet?, dramaturg?, dailinink?, keliautoja
Alma mater 1985 m. Vilniaus dail?s akademija
?inomas (-a) u? Pakalnu?i? metai“, „M?nulio vaikai“, „Ragana ir lietus“, „Placebas“, „Miegan?i? drugeli? tvirtov?“
?ymūs apdovanojimai

2005 m. Lietuvos nacionalin? kultūros ir meno premija


KTV „Miegan?i? drugeli? tvirtov?" (1 dalis)KTV "Fortress of Sleeping Butterflies" (Part 1)

"Miegan?i? drugeli? tvirtov?" is a 2019 Lithuanian drama film directed by Algimantas Puipa. The film is based on the novel of the same name by Jurga Ivanauskait? and explores the themes of memory, trauma, and the nature of reality. The film follows a group of middle-aged friends who gather at a remote cabin in the woods and confront their past traumas and secrets. The film is noted for its atmospheric cinematography and sound design and features powerful performances by its ensemble cast.

Plots: The film follows a group of four middle-aged friends who gather at a remote cabin in the woods to celebrate a birthday. As they reminisce about their past, they begin to confront the traumas and secrets that have been buried for years. As the night progresses, the lines between reality and imagination become blurred, and the group must confront their deepest fears and desires. One of the standout elements of the film is its use of atmospheric cinematography and sound design to create a sense of unease and tension. The isolated setting of the cabin in the woods, combined with the haunting score and eerie sound effects, creates a palpable sense of foreboding that keeps the audience on edge throughout the film. The performances by the ensemble cast are also noteworthy, with each actor bringing depth and nuance to their character's portrayal. In particular, the lead actress, Gabija Jaraminait?, delivers a powerful performance as a woman grappling with the trauma of her past. However, the film's nonlinear narrative and dreamlike sequences may be confusing for some viewers, and some may find the slow pacing of the film to be a drawback. Overall, "Miegan?i? drugeli? tvirtov?" is a haunting and thought-provoking film that explores the complexities of memory, trauma, and reality. While it may not be for everyone, those who appreciate slow-burning, atmospheric dramas will find much to admire in this film. 

  Born in 1961 November 14
Died in 2007 February 17 (45 years old)
Buried in the Antakalnis cemetery in Menininkai kalnelis
Father Igor Ivanov
Mother Ingrida Korsakait?
Activities prose writer, essayist, poet, dramatist, painter, traveler
Alma mater in 1985 Vilnius Art Academy
Known for Hillbilly Year, Children of the Moon, The Witch and the Rain, Placebo, Fortress of the Sleeping Butterflies
Notable awards
in 2005 Lithuanian National Culture and Art Prize


stiklainis uogienes//Dvi moterys aukoja savo gyvenimus vienam ir tam pa?iam vyrui, nors pats vyras yra per silpnas k? nors nuspr?sti.
Istorija apie meil?s trikamp?. Ji, jis ir jo ?mona. Vidurio am?i? perkop?s Dmitrijus negali palikti ?monos, nes visa jo karjera priklauso nuo uošvio. Jis negali palikti meilu??s Martos, nes myli j? ir savo vienintel? sūn? Luk?. Marta nusprend?ia palikti Dmitrij?. Keršija jam vienos nakties romanu su tik k? sutiktu Didje. Ta?iau tik dar labiau save ?skaudina. Dmitrijus ir Marta nusprend?ia nieko nekeisti. Ta?iau Likimas pats pakei?ia j? gyvenimus taip, kaip jam reikia.

a jar of jam//Two women sacrifice their lives for one and the same man, even though the man himself is too weak to decide anything.
A story about a love triangle. She, he and his wife. Having crossed the middle age, Dmitry cannot leave his wife, because his entire career depends on his father-in-law. He cannot leave his lover Marta because he loves her and his only son Lukas. Marta decides to leave Dmitri. Revenge for his one-night stand with Didje, whom he had just met. But he only hurts himself even more. Dmitry and Marta decide not to change anything. But Fate himself changes their lives as he needs.

1// and it seems to me that those silent pauses were spent very much on the topic. made me feel better. of course there were mistakes, but for me they are minor. really liked it. I will be glad that at least this quality was possible to see the film, than not to see it at all. thank you :-)

2/ Please.... I uploaded it to share with friends. And since I left the film with public access, more people saw it :) who liked it and who didn't... everyone has their own opinion... and I only removed very undiplomatic comments from the "air"

3// This movie just showed me once again how much I truly adore Lithuanian cinema! although the quality is not very good, the actors and the very idea of the film touched and impressed me a lot. :)

4//as far as I know, new forms were being sought... expenses are being studied :)

Gabriele Bla?enyt?
Gabriele Bla?enyt?
10 years ago
Edita is amazing :)

Peter Lisauskas
Peter Lisauskas
10 years ago
I don't know if Didje is meant.
the silver winch commission decided that he deserves a silver winch for best supporting role.

Jurga Ivanauskait?

Jurga ivanauskait? 02.jpg 

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