LOuiS VitTOn

LOuiS VitTOn


Today is all about le oufites! That's right, something I have nothing of! Fashion! Ohhhh yeahhhhhhhhhh. On a normal day in Vienna, or Wien, as the locals call it, I will wear a long sleeved shirt, sweatshirt, puffy jacket, purse, pants, and mismatched socks. Today I wore my pink butterfly shirt, with my grey unicorn sweatshirt, and my blueish green puffy jacket! For pants I wore my tight fitting jeans. My socks were dark blue with rainbows, and pink with white stripes. Last, the piece de resistance, my violently pink purse with a pink yeti keychain. I looked like a Barbie doll dressed up by a five year old, and I was rockin it! And, yes, mommy did go to the Louis ViTtoN, and buy another ten million, quadrillion, quantilion, dollar purse. Like, why? In my purse I normally have my sunglasses, earbuds, tickets (to someplace or another), a random uno card, chocolate (sometimes), and the remains of a dandelion. Congrats!!!!! If you made it this far, that means you really care about my daily life because I know half of you will be bored absolutely to death by this. I'm sorry, but today has to be a short blog. It's already almost eleven o'clock. Ending with a period, like always. (.) For extra effect..

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来源: 文学城-落花飘零
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