Gabriel García Márquez《百年孤寂》我們為什麼要讀

Gabriel García Márquez《百年孤寂》我們為什麼要讀


Imagination is used to enrich reality, "Imagination is enriched by its reality" is attributed to French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes. It suggests that the imagination is not just a fanciful escape from reality, but is actually informed and enhanced by our experiences in the real world. In other words, the things we see, feel, and experience in reality can inspire and inform the things we imagine, and vice versa. This idea is reflected in many works of literature, which often draw on real-world experiences to create imaginative and fantastical stories.

In 1965 summer, Gabriel García Márquez started to write, continued for 18 months, broken finacially, smoked 20,000 low quality of cigarrettes (60 - 70 cigarettes daily), after he prepared for 18 years of reading and note-taking, in his 14 countries studios library around the world. 

While human isolation is a significant theme in "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, it is not the only main point of the novel. The book also explores the cyclical nature of history, the relationship between reality and illusion, and the complex interplay between personal and communal identity. Additionally, the novel is a commentary on the political and social conditions of Latin America, and it portrays the effects of colonialism, modernization, and globalization on the region. Ultimately, the book is a multifaceted exploration of the human condition that defies simple interpretation or summary.

The last line of "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is: "Before reaching the final line, however, he had already understood that he would never leave that room, for it was foreseen that the city of mirrors (or mirages) would be wiped out by the wind and exiled from the memory of men at the precise moment when Aureliano Babilonia would finish deciphering the parchments, and that everything written on them was unrepeatable since time immemorial and forever more, because races condemned to one hundred years of solitude did not have a second opportunity on earth."



What is the meaning of themes of solitude? In them, we realize the author's special definition of solitude as being not simply a state of social isolation but a special kind of human relationship and, above all, a need. Aureliano Segundo, for instance, is a genial lover of orgies; he is also extremely reckless.

The themes of solitude in literature, including in "One Hundred Years of Solitude," often explore the idea of isolation and the various ways in which individuals experience and cope with it. Solitude can manifest in different forms, such as physical or emotional isolation, a lack of connection or understanding with others, or a sense of being disconnected from one's own identity or purpose.

In the case of "One Hundred Years of Solitude," the novel portrays solitude as a complex human relationship and a need, rather than just a state of social isolation. The characters in the book often find themselves isolated from others, but their solitude is not solely caused by external factors such as social or geographic barriers. Instead, the novel suggests that solitude is often linked to individual choices and desires.

For example, Aureliano Segundo is a character who is known for his wild behavior and love of orgies. Despite being surrounded by people, he is still isolated and disconnected from them on an emotional level. This kind of solitude is not just a result of his social status or circumstances, but a deeper need that he has. The novel thus suggests that solitude can be both a personal choice and a necessary aspect of the human experience, highlighting the complexity and nuance of this theme.





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95,708 views Mar 24, 2023
[《百年孤寂》十講 · 導聆 ] 波恩地亞上校在台北 -- 預約一個遠道而來的啟蒙 我們為什麼要讀《百年孤寂》? 主講|詹偉雄 .................... 【影片 1:14:07--補充說明】 根據Stephen M. Hart所著的《Gabriel García Márquez》(Reaktion: London, 2010, p.24),賈西亞.馬奎斯的外祖父有3個婚生子女與12~19個非婚生子女,而賈西亞.馬奎斯的父親則有11個婚生子女和4個非婚生子女。 .................... 詹偉雄 1961年生於台中縣豐原鎮,台大圖書館學系、台大新聞研究所畢業。 曾擔任財經記者、廣告公司創意總監、文創產業創業者,參與博客來網路書店與《數位時代》、《Shopping Design》、《Soul》、《Gigs》、《短篇小說》等多本雜誌之創辦。著有《美學的經濟》、《球手之美學》、《風格的技術》等書。 目前專職於文化與社會變遷研究、旅行、寫作。 .................... 主辦|洪建全基金會 講座時間│2023/3/3(五)19:30-21:30 講座地點│敏隆講堂 影像錄製|本事文化 .................................. 《百年孤寂》三譯本?名對照表 皇冠版 / 葉淑吟 譯 志文版 / 楊耐冬 譯 遠景版 / 宋碧雲 譯 第?代 José Arcadio Buendía 葉淑吟:荷?.阿爾卡迪歐.波恩地亞 楊耐冬:老邦迪亞 宋碧雲:約瑟.阿加底奧.布恩迪亞 Úrsula Iguarán 葉淑吟:烏蘇拉.伊寬南 楊耐冬:易家蘭 宋碧雲:歐蘇拉.義瓜蘭 第?代 José Arcadio 葉淑吟:荷?.阿爾卡迪歐 楊耐冬:亞克迪奧 宋碧雲:約瑟.阿加底奧 Coronel Aureliano Buendía 葉淑吟:奧雷?亞諾.波恩地亞(上校) 楊耐冬:邦迪亞(上校) 宋碧雲:奧瑞?亞諾.布恩迪亞(上校) Amaranta 葉淑吟:阿瑪蘭塔 楊耐冬:亞瑪蘭塔 宋碧雲:阿瑪蘭妲 Rebeca 葉淑吟:蕾?卡 楊耐冬:莉比卡 宋碧雲:麗?卡 Pilar Ternera 葉淑吟:碧蘭.德內拉 楊耐冬:透娜拉 宋碧雲:碧拉.特奈拉 Remedios Mosconte 葉淑吟:蕾梅蒂斯.莫斯克德 楊耐冬:莫?柯蒂 宋碧雲:瑞美迪奧絲.莫斯科特 第三代 Arcadio 葉淑吟:阿爾卡迪歐 楊耐冬:阿克迪亞 宋碧雲:阿加底奧 Santa Sofía de la Piedad 葉淑吟:聖塔蘇菲亞 楊耐冬:匹達黛 宋碧雲:聖塔索菲亞.狄拉佩達 Aureliano José 葉淑吟:奧雷?亞諾.荷? 楊耐冬:約塞 宋碧雲:奧瑞?亞諾.約瑟 第四代 Aureliano Segundo 葉淑吟:奧雷?亞諾?世 楊耐冬:席?多 宋碧雲:奧瑞?亞諾.席岡多 José Arcadio Segundo 葉淑吟:荷?.阿爾卡迪歐?世 楊耐冬:席根鐸 宋碧雲:約瑟.阿加底奧.席岡多 Remedios la bella 葉淑吟:(美?)蕾梅蒂絲 楊耐冬:(美女)瑞米迪娥 宋碧雲:(美?兒)瑞美迪奧絲 Fernanda del Carpio 葉淑吟:費蘭妲.卡爾?歐 楊耐冬:卡碧娥 宋碧雲:菲南妲.戴.卡庇奧 Petra Cotes 葉淑吟:佩特拉.柯提斯 楊耐冬:柯蒂絲 宋碧雲:佩特拉.科蒂斯 第五代 Renata Remedios (Meme) 葉淑吟:蕾娜塔.蕾梅蒂絲(梅妹) 楊耐冬:美美 宋碧雲:雷娜塔.瑞美迪奧絲(美美) Mauricio Babilonia 葉淑吟:???奧.巴比隆尼亞 楊耐冬:巴比隆尼亞 宋碧雲:摩??奧.巴比龍尼卡 José Arcadio 葉淑吟:荷?.阿爾卡迪歐 楊耐冬:亞卡底奧 宋碧雲:約瑟.阿加底奧 Amaranta Úrsula 葉淑吟:阿瑪蘭塔.烏蘇拉 楊耐冬:亞瑪倫塔 宋碧雲:阿瑪蘭妲.歐蘇拉 Gastón 葉淑吟:葛斯頓 楊耐冬:賈斯登 宋碧雲:賈斯頓 第六代 Aureliano Babilonia 葉淑吟:奧雷?亞諾 楊耐冬:倭良諾 宋碧雲:奧瑞?亞諾

最喜歡的一本書 讀了三次 每次感覺都跟新書一樣
[SungWay Liu]

SungWay Liu

2 weeks ago (edited)
謝謝上傳 [] [] ? [] 老師娓娓道來百年孤寂的故事,雖然耳聞百年孤寂的盛名,卻從未打開書本。聽完老師今日敘述的故事,打開了我的好奇心,想要立刻去買本書來一探究竟 [] 54:00 幻想只會發生在願望得不到實現的人身上 54:51 Imagination is used to enrich reality 1:18:34 赤腳醫生,好奇,這個形容有貶意的意思嗎? 1:21:50 The past is never dead. It’s not even past! 以家族系統排列眼光來看,的確如此!1:22:13 1:23:41 為何要讀百年孤寂? 1:25:23 馬康多衝擊??

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