temporarily close twitter account?

temporarily close twitter account?


temporarily close twitter account?

To temporarily close your Twitter account, you can follow these steps:

Open a web browser and go to the Twitter website (

Sign in to your Twitter account using your username/email and password.

Click on your profile picture or avatar in the top-right corner to open a drop-down menu.

From the drop-down menu, select "Settings and privacy."

On the left sidebar, click on "Deactivate your account," which is located at the bottom of the list.

You will be presented with information about the deactivation process. Read through the details and make sure you understand the implications.

Scroll down and click on the "Deactivate" button.

Twitter will ask you to confirm your decision. Enter your password when prompted.

After entering your password, click on the "Deactivate" button to proceed.

Once you complete these steps, your Twitter account will be temporarily closed. During this period, your account will be deactivated, and your profile, tweets, and other information will not be accessible to the public. However, Twitter retains your account data for a period of time. If you decide to reactivate your account within 30 days, you can simply log back in using your previous credentials.


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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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