Light and Shadow-7 Light in your shadow

Light and Shadow-7 Light in your shadow


Light in your shadow

Who weaves the light proof curtain
Who raises the bogus neon sun
Who quenches the burning beacon
Who twists everyone’s tongue
People murmur these questions
No one dare exhale answers from their lungs
Till in the air ripples your whisper
Echoing your answers and last breath
Till in the air waves your fever
Flaming your answers and last breath
People reach out for your hands
Only touch your shadow casted on this land
Sing out loud their sorrow
People see light in your shadow
Sing out loud their sorrow
People see light in your shadow

"Light in your shadow" is a short poem that explores themes of perception, identity, and the influence of an individual on others. Let's analyze it stanza by stanza:
Stanza 1: "Who weaves the light-proof curtain Who raises the bogus neon sun Who quenches the burning beacon Who twists everyone's tongue"
This stanza raises questions about the sources of light and truth in the world. It suggests that there is a deceptive force that obstructs clarity and authenticity. The imagery of a "light-proof curtain" and a "bogus neon sun" implies that something or someone is manipulating the truth and distorting reality. The line "Who twists everyone's tongue" suggests that this force is also controlling or influencing the way people communicate or express themselves.
Stanza 2: "People murmur these questions No one dare exhale answers from their lungs Till in the air ripples your whisper Echoing your answers and last breath"
Here, the poem acknowledges that people are aware of the questions posed in the previous stanza, but they are hesitant to speak up or provide answers. The phrase "exhale answers from their lungs" suggests fear or reluctance to confront the truth openly. However, it introduces the idea that the speaker possesses the answers, and their words have a significant impact. The imagery of a whisper rippling in the air indicates the subtle yet influential nature of their message.
Stanza 3: "Till in the air waves your fever Flaming your answers and last breath People reach out for your hands Only touch your shadow casted on this land"
This stanza continues to emphasize the power and impact of the speaker's words. The "fever" and the "flaming" suggest a passionate and intense quality to their message. However, the next line indicates a sense of distance or unattainability. People are reaching out for the speaker's hands but can only touch their shadow. This could symbolize the inability to fully grasp or understand the speaker's true essence or influence.
Stanza 4: "Sing out loud their sorrow People see light in your shadow Sing out loud their sorrow People see light in your shadow"
The final stanza concludes with repetition and a sense of resolution. The line "Sing out loud their sorrow" suggests that people express their emotions openly, perhaps in response to the speaker's message or influence. The repetition of "People see light in your shadow" indicates that even though the speaker's true self may be elusive, their impact is still perceived and appreciated by others. It implies that the speaker's presence, despite being indirectly experienced through their shadow, brings enlightenment or illumination to those around them.
Overall, "Light in your shadow" explores the ideas of obscured truth, the influence of a powerful individual, and the perception of their impact on others. It encourages introspection on the nature of identity and how one's presence can shape the lives and perspectives of those around them.

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来源: 文学城-颤音
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