我的非洲马拉松之旅电影视频(My Africa Marathon Trip Movie)
上月我在非洲的马拉松旅行电影视频,马拉松主要是为了世界红十字会募捐为目的的,据说是世界上最难的马拉松跑道之一, 在一个5300英亩的私人狩猎场里跑,里面有非洲五大动物自由走动,与跑道间没有围栏,真不骗你。跑完顺便去了三个非洲国家外加维多利亚大瀑布,照片和视频大都是我自拍的,配乐也是我选的。里面有大象家族女族长看到我们便抬起一支腿,向我们打招呼和三只大象搭肩游泳的美妙时刻镜头。录像最后一张照片是吃了Mopane Worm的勇士们,包括我自己。
Happy days, celebrate it with me, enjoy the video and poem ~~
I ate the Mopane Worm! It was hard to chew at first, then the flavor of the sauce kicked in, started to taste good… Believe me, you will eat it if you are really starving, like in a famine. The Americans probably feel the same when they see me eating pig feet… haha.
【Africa Sunrise】
By Tian Yu Zhi
It arrives softly, in shades of
Lemon, yellow, orange, red, as if
Bold mono colors would have startled
The quiet morning hunts of Cape starlings,
Impalas, zebras, wildebeests, guineafowls
The sun puts red caps on top of
The mountain range, morning breeze sends
White fog flowing in fairy skirts,
Dancing above reed filled ponds, where
Hippos poke out their heads from lily pads
Jeeps for morning safari game drives,
Dot the vast landscape like toy cars,
The only loud sound, echos
In this part of the world,
As the Africa sun rises