八月的某一天 英译

八月的某一天 英译



Written by Daniel Wu(叶虻)

Tr.  by Yifan Li


I know you are not here in the path when I sincerely regard it as ours. 

I'd like to find the wormwood that the whole summer grows and the fragrance of the wild flowers for you. 

The posture of the leaves shaking in the wind reminds me of the time being together and the unwillingness of the separation of we two. 


I wonder if you are hidden in a record. 

I have been keeping imagining a scene that, in an old song's singing,

we sit face to face when the light of the setting sun casts into the window, that the figures for two are handed to the dimness of the lamp shadow. 


I know you are not in a yellowed album which a group photo of us being supposed to be the perfect couple is shown up. 

I still feel a possible encounter for us being in a wonderful moment. 

Though we can never refuse to be old someday, 

there still is a belief of me that the memory of us keeps its leading position as the master of the rocking chair. 

Therefore, life can never be let down by the love of this kind. 


I know you are not in a small city, a bookstore of the reminiscence at a corner of the street or even in an open air cafe shop which is good for one to be daze in the chair. 

I know, for the whole summer you have been hiding in somewhere. 

We are actually two planets being far apart from each other, just like two plots in the same novel making different senses


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来源: 文学城-叶虻
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