IMMORTAL HYMN TO ALL HUMANITY Hans Zimmer is self taught

IMMORTAL HYMN TO ALL HUMANITY Hans Zimmer is self taught

博客  IMMORTAL HYMN TO ALL HUMANITY--this ethereal and transcendental composition boggles my mind! I've ever felt so deeply moved by music, experiencing the tremor in my heart and witnessing tears cascading down my cheeks.

I never imagine that music can vibrate the soul. I closed my eyes and I could see the universe so vast, so majestic and … so lonely.

Hans Zimmer’s explanation about why the organ was chosen rings true: because it is like a human voice, which requires air.

*** This is the perfect version, thank you for this ?

I find myself always coming back to this song for some reason, the beauty of it is captivating, i always think about my life, my journey and where i was as a kid to now. This music just hits different, but this one’s a masterpiece to me. This is honestly the best version I’ve heard. Thank you for making something perfect and adding a little more perfect to it.

** One of the few pieces of music that makes my hair stand on end. One of the finest compositions ever and this is the finest recording of it.

** I love how the organ sucks the air from a room to create sound from a vacuum, the most perfectly epic instrument to breath life into the vacuum of space

Although this piece starts moody and stormy it turns into the calm in my storm. The next stage is achingly beautiful. Finished with a touch of elegance. I will spend many a 15 minutes here. Thank you.


Let's all not forget that Hans Zimmer is self taught



0:18 - Stay 2:16 - Day One 4:58 - Cornfield Chase 9:40 - no time for caution 11:38 - S.T.A.Y.

rpjl Hans Zimmer - Interstellar (Royal Albert Hall Organ)

Ashton Gleckman
48.5K subscribers
8,185,025 views Apr 13, 2022
Composed by Hans Zimmer MIDI Programmed and Arranged by Ashton Gleckman Suite programmed by ear in Logic Pro X based on the original soundtrack recordings. All organ parts performed by Ashton Gleckman using the Royal Albert Hall Organ library. All organ sounds from the new Royal Albert Hall Organ library, recorded at the historic hall in London by James Everingham. Available now: MIDI FILE: » Website: » Contact: [email protected] » Soundcloud:

In my opinion, Interstellar is one of the greatest soundtracks of all time. It is one of those soundtracks that gives you an open space to think about the big questions, about humanity, the meaning of our existence, the relationship between the transcendency and the human being, his curiosity, his doubt, his questioning and his faith. Zimmer's minimalistic approach is so effective, the simplicity of the melodies on the one hand and the intensity and musical depth on the other. Many thanks, Ashton, for your hard work. The suite is very close to the original and I highly appreciate it.

A compilation of pieces from the Interstellar soundtrack that represents the power of nature, the universe and reminds us of how tiny we are in the Universe. Enjoy.


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