(古詩英譯) 静夜思 – 李白
静夜思 – 李白
Meditation on Still Night by Li Bai
Around the fenced-well the moonlight so bright,
As if the ground frost dazzles frosty light.
Up I gaze at the shining moon on high,
I look down, hometown comes into my sight.
Tr. Ziyuzile
这首诗的翻译版本可谓是成千上万,我斗胆猜想每位译者或多或少都期望自己能译出精彩,而且精彩的版本能成为“前无古人,后无来者”的绝版。这有点类似普罗大众每天去买lottery,梦想自己能成为那位唯一的幸运儿。为此,受“激励”的人们“前赴后继”。。。我应该也是其中之一...like a blind-folded mule that keeps on pushing the mill... ^_&
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来源: 文学城-ziyuzile