A Poem at Bank--英文,歌词

A Poem at Bank--英文,歌词


The moon walked out from thick clouds.
I see your August face.
Soft wind cuts the sprouts out of trees.
The dream I once thought to be lost
Again rings the crispy morning bell.

The green along banks are now softly smiling.
The fragrance of summer shall we enjoy?
A creek runs in my heart,
Swirls, stirs and sings.
Behind trees birds laugh at my silliness.

Has the waiting
Been over centuries?
Has the yearning
Boiled the frozen water,
And now froze the boiling water?

I see the thousands long steps
And the twisted swirling rivers.
Along the road there might be flood,
Beside wind there might be storms,
Yet for our future I'm willing to climb mountains.

Flowers bloom seasons after season.
The world turns around with endless beauty.
The sky with us flying is so wide.
My quiet cabin built with ageless oak
Stand as a winterless harbor for a sailing boat.

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来源: 文学城-懿凌
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