

在美国买大宗商品,例如房屋和汽车,除非一次支付,一般都是从金融机构(例如银行)做抵押贷款(华人世界一般称为“按揭”)。以买房为例,抵押贷款(Mortgage Loan):
A mortgage loan is a loan secured by real property through the use of a mortgage note which evidences the existence of the loan and the encumbrance of that realty through the granting of a mortgage which secures the loan. However, the word mortgage alone, in everyday usage, is most often used to mean mortgage loan.
在美国, 一个mortgage loan一般是通过amortization方式来偿付的。即, 在一定期限内,按月支付定量的款项(包括本金和利息),期满付清。
The most common way to repay a secured mortgage loan is to make regular payments of the capital (also called the principal) and interest over a set term. This is commonly referred to as (self) amortization in the U.S.
p(0) = $loan;
p(1) = P(0)*(1+$m_rate) - $mortgage;
p(2) = p(1)*(1+$m_rate) - $mortgage;
p($i) = p($i-1)*(1+$m_rate) - $mortgage;
p($n) = p($n-1)*(1+$m_rate) - $mortgage;
根据等比数列求和(sum of the numbers in a geometric progression),可以得到期满时:
p($n) = $loan*(1+$m_rate)**$n - $mortgage*(((1+$m_rate)**$n) - 1)/$m_rate;

因为p($n) = 0(“付清”),所以:

$mortgage = $loan*$m_rate/(1-(1+$m_rate)**(0-$n));

根据演算,基于本金余额(balance),还可以推出每月支付的本金和利息(在下面的例子中,mortgage = 月付本金+月付利息)。下面是三个例子(第三个买车的例子,因为2年期比较短,所以给出了所有的结果;前两个太长,只给出三行作为参考):
(A) $loan = 100000.00, $rate = 0.0525, $term = 30;
Balance = $99885.30 after 1 payment(s) while mortgage: $552.20 = $114.70 + $437.50
Balance = $99770.09 after 2 payment(s) while mortgage: $552.20 = $115.21 + $437.00
Balance = $98710.29 after 11 payment(s) while mortgage: $552.20 = $119.82 + $432.38
(B) $loan = 533000.00, $rate = 0.0425, $term = 30;
Balance = $532265.67 after 1 payment(s) while mortgage: $2622.04 = $734.33 + $1887.71
Balance = $531528.74 after 2 payment(s) while mortgage: $2622.04 = $736.93 + $1885.11
Balance = $524777.78 after 11 payment(s) while mortgage: $2622.04 = $760.76 + $1861.28
(C) $loan = 16077.83, $rate = 0.019, $term = 2;
Balance = $16077.83 after 0 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $0.00 + $683.25
Balance = $15420.04 after 1 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $657.79 + $25.46
Balance = $14761.20 after 2 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $658.83 + $24.42
Balance = $14101.33 after 3 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $659.88 + $23.37
Balance = $13440.41 after 4 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $660.92 + $22.33
Balance = $12778.44 after 5 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $661.97 + $21.28
Balance = $12115.42 after 6 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $663.02 + $20.23
Balance = $11451.36 after 7 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $664.07 + $19.18
Balance = $10786.24 after 8 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $665.12 + $18.13
Balance = $10120.07 after 9 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $666.17 + $17.08
Balance = $9452.84 after 10 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $667.23 + $16.02
Balance = $8784.56 after 11 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $668.28 + $14.97
Balance = $8115.22 after 12 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $669.34 + $13.91
Balance = $7444.82 after 13 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $670.40 + $12.85
Balance = $6773.36 after 14 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $671.46 + $11.79
Balance = $6100.84 after 15 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $672.52 + $10.72
Balance = $5427.25 after 16 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $673.59 + $9.66
Balance = $4752.59 after 17 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $674.66 + $8.59
Balance = $4076.87 after 18 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $675.72 + $7.52
Balance = $3400.08 after 19 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $676.79 + $6.46
Balance = $2722.21 after 20 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $677.87 + $5.38
Balance = $2043.27 after 21 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $678.94 + $4.31
Balance = $1363.26 after 22 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $680.01 + $3.24
Balance = $682.17 after 23 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $681.09 + $2.16
Balance = $0.00 after 24 payment(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $682.17 + $1.08
假设在第$i ($i >= 1)次时开始多支付$overpay(当然每次的$overpay可以不同,但计算复杂些):

p($i) = p($i-1)*(1+$m_rate) - $mortgage - $overpay;
p($i+1) = p($)*(1+$m_rate) - $mortgage - $overpay;
p($i+$j) = p($i+$j)*(1+$m_rate) - $mortgage - $overpay;
p($i+$j) = $loan*(1+$m_rate)**($i+$j) - $mortgage*((1+$m_rate)**($i+$j) - 1)/$m_rate - $overpay*((1+$m_rate)**($j+1) - 1)/$m_rate;


p($k) = $loan*(1+$m_rate)**($k) - $mortgage*((1+$m_rate)**($k) - 1)/$m_rate - $overpay*((1+$m_rate)**($k-$i+1) - 1)/$m_rate;

例如$i = 1(即从一开始就多支付)时:

p($k) = $loan*(1+$m_rate)**($k) - ($mortgage + $overpay)*((1+$m_rate)**($k) - 1)/$m_rate;

(A)  $loan = 100000.00, $rate = 0.0525, $term = 30, $overpay = 276.80, $i = 1;
Balance = $99608.50 after 1 payments(s) while mortgage: $552.20 = $114.70 + $437.50
Balance = $99215.28 after 2 payments(s) while mortgage: $552.20 = $116.42 + $435.79
Balance = $95598.01 after 11 payments(s) while mortage: $552.20 = $132.17 + $420.03
(B) $loan = 533000.00, $rate = 0.0425, $term = 30,  $overpay = 276.80, $i = 1;
Balance = $531988.87 after 1 payments(s) while mortage: $2622.04 = $734.33 + $1887.71
Balance = $530974.16 after 2 payments(s) while mortage: $2622.04 = $737.91 + $1884.13
Balance = $521678.49 after 11 payments(s) while mortage: $2622.04 = $770.72 + $1851.32
(C) $loan = 16077.83, $rate = 0.019, $term = 2, $overpay = 276.80, $i = 1;
Balance = $16077.83 after 0 payments(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $-276.80 + $960.05
Balance = $15143.24 after 1 payments(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $657.79 + $25.46
Balance = $14207.17 after 2 payments(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $659.27 + $23.98
Balance = $13269.61 after 3 payments(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $660.75 + $22.49
Balance = $12330.57 after 4 payments(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $662.24 + $21.01
Balance = $11390.05 after 5 payments(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $663.73 + $19.52
Balance = $10448.03 after 6 payments(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $665.21 + $18.03
Balance = $9504.53 after 7 payments(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $666.71 + $16.54
Balance = $8559.53 after 8 payments(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $668.20 + $15.05
Balance = $7613.03 after 9 payments(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $669.70 + $13.55
Balance = $6665.04 after 10 payments(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $671.19 + $12.05
Balance = $5715.54 after 11 payments(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $672.70 + $10.55
Balance = $4764.54 after 12 payments(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $674.20 + $9.05
Balance = $3812.04 after 13 payments(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $675.70 + $7.54
Balance = $2858.03 after 14 payments(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $677.21 + $6.04
Balance = $1902.50 after 15 payments(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $678.72 + $4.53
Balance = $945.47 after 16 payments(s) while mortgage: $683.25 = $680.24 + $3.01
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来源: 文学城-關東行者
写了,也就赚了动物革命和外星人的降临44、长篇民国小说《永泰里》第九章 欢迎“友”军(6)My Antonia地產经纪被偷拍有偿协助按揭诈骗为买家提供假就业记录月结单和T42023晚秋中欧行(2) 柏林胜利女神柱和查理腾堡宫人生旅途和多目标最优化《梦里花乡》&《许愿》89% 的抵押贷款人的利率低于 6%,低于 2022 年创纪录的 93%降息兑现,百万按揭一年少还700元【经济】利率飙升,法国贷款的人越来越少了,无论房贷或消费贷《幺妹和市场街》(5)敲黑板!未按规定披露等价捐款的后果很严重!“动物庄园”的民主本质利息230亿,欧盟要将俄冻结资产利息给乌克兰,上演一石三鸟德国常被称为“欧洲的妓院”出国旅,在离美之前最好要做的一件事人生是个旅途,在时间上前行,在空间上如同登山。【周末综艺会10期】— 我拍的荷花这些网贷利息到底有多高?它们到底是如何骗你去贷款的?深秋的水边,不要唱思乡的歌人是有限的,还各有不同《僭越之殇》(26)灵灵Q的三世轮回伦敦宣布“紧急状态”!网购骗案高发. 按揭获批量涨幅超预期. 宜家Tesco深度合作白面馒头与厚粥中原大省都会郑州-国内大环游(01)明天你是否依然爱我---美中的小蜜月澳联储行长财产遭“起底”!买房贷款竟有特别优惠,省下大笔利息,房贷不到10年就还清性格决定命运BC省府给他们提供无息贷款!租客还能问房东要利息?