Walk meeting Jobs thoughts come clearly while one walks

Walk meeting Jobs thoughts come clearly while one walks

thoughts come clearly while one walks. who said?
(Thomas Mann)

The phrase "thoughts come clearly while one walks" is often attributed to the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. However, it's important to note that this concept is not unique to Nietzsche, and similar sentiments have been expressed by various thinkers throughout history. The idea that physical activity, such as walking, can stimulate clear thinking and creativity is a common theme in literature, philosophy, and psychology.

Steve Jobs, walking eating meeting?

The concept of walking meetings, where people engage in discussions while walking, is often associated with Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc. Jobs was known for his unconventional approach to meetings and creativity. He often held walking meetings with colleagues and business partners, believing that walking helped stimulate ideas and foster more dynamic discussions compared to traditional stationary meetings.

While there is no direct quote from Steve Jobs specifically mentioning "walking, eating, meeting," the idea of incorporating physical activity into meetings aligns with his innovative and unconventional management style. Walking meetings have since become popular in various organizations as a way to boost creativity, productivity, and overall well-being among employees.

walk while eating?

While it's technically possible to walk while eating, it's generally not recommended for several reasons:

  1. Safety: Walking while eating can be hazardous, especially if the food requires concentration to eat (like soup or hot beverages). It increases the risk of choking or accidentally spilling food, which could lead to accidents or injuries.

  2. Digestion: Eating while walking can interfere with the body's digestive process. Proper digestion requires the body to be in a relaxed state, but walking stimulates other bodily functions and may divert blood flow away from the digestive system, potentially leading to digestive issues.

  3. Mindfulness: Eating mindfully involves paying attention to the taste, texture, and sensation of food, which can be difficult to do while walking. Eating on the go may lead to mindless eating, where individuals consume food quickly without fully enjoying or appreciating it.

  4. Social Interaction: Sharing a meal is often a social activity that encourages conversation and connection with others. Walking while eating may detract from the social aspect of dining together.

In summary, while it's technically possible to walk while eating, it's generally not advisable due to safety concerns, potential digestive issues, and the inability to fully enjoy the meal or engage in meaningful social interaction.

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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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