bla bing bla bone writing style

bla bing bla bone writing style


Got the concept from H.

bla bing bla bone writing style

Who invented it?

The phrase "bla bing bla bone" doesn't have a single inventor or originator. It's a playful and nonsensical phrase that's often used to evoke a sense of rhythm or repetition in writing or speech. It's similar to other nonsensical phrases like "blah blah blah" or "hip hop hooray." It's likely that it evolved organically over time as a creative way to add rhythm or emphasis to language, but there's no specific individual or source credited with its invention. It's more of a linguistic convention or trope than a specific invention.


It seems like you're asking for a specific style of writing that includes repetitive phrases or rhymes. Here's a short example in that style:

In the land of chatter, where words do roam, Bla bing bla bone, they find their home. Round and round they dance and play, In the light of the linguistic day.

Through the valleys of thought, they swiftly glide, Bla bing bla bone, side by side. No end in sight, no pause or rest, Just words upon words, they're truly blessed.

So if ever you find yourself in need, Of a phrase or rhyme to plant the seed, Remember this style, both quirky and fun, Bla bing bla bone, till the day is done.

Certainly! Here are a few more examples in the "bla bing bla bone" style:

  1. Verse 1:

    In the city streets, where dreams take flight, Bla bing bla bone, through the neon light. Hustle and bustle, never alone, In this urban jungle, where stories are sown.

  2. Verse 2:

    Underneath the stars, in the silent night, Bla bing bla bone, whispers take flight. Secrets shared, in hushed tones, In the darkness, where magic groans.

  3. Verse 3:

    Across the rolling hills, where wild winds moan, Bla bing bla bone, nature's sweet tone. Trees sway and rivers flow, unknown, In the wilderness, where mysteries are grown.

  4. Verse 4:

    Within the pages of a book, where wonders are shown, Bla bing bla bone, tales to be known. Characters leap and emotions are thrown, In the realm of imagination, where dreams are sewn.

These examples demonstrate how the "bla bing bla bone" style can be applied across different settings and themes to create rhythm and engagement in writing.


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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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