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Sunnyvale's 'Guitar Man' dies; he was hit by car along Highway 101
By Lisa Fernandez
[email protected]

Posted: 01/19/2010 01:49:34 PM PST
Updated: 01/19/2010 09:52:26 PM PST
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Guy Myers worked for Hewlett-Packard for 19 years.

But later in life, his family said, the 58-year-old Sunnyvale man drank too much. He lost his job. He lost his home. And Sunday, he lost his life.

For some reason, Myers ran along Highway 101 south of Lawrence Expressway about 10 p.m., and was killed when a Dodge Neon struck him.

His family wonders if drinking had anything to do with Myers' behavior.

"He liked to drink," said Myers' son, Aaron. "He was a musician and had his guitar with him. The driver said he held up his guitar over his head right before he died. In fact, the guitar made it, even though my father didn't."

The Santa Clara County coroner's office typically takes about six weeks for a toxicology report to come back to determine the cause of death, including what was inside someone's system before death. The California Highway Patrol did not arrest the driver of the Dodge.

"I feel sorry for the man," Aaron Myers said of the driver. "I'd like to let him know that."

Similar sentiments are shared by Myers' other two children and four grandchildren. Aaron Myers said he kept a "good relationship" with his father despite his life choices.

Myers was twice divorced and homeless, and frequented the 7-Eleven on Wildwood Avenue, next to one of his other favorite spots, Bogart's Lounge, his son said.

Myers earned a small living through tips from playing his guitar outside the convenience store.

"People called him the Guitar Man," Aaron Myers said. "Everyone loved him."

Myers was let go from HP about 10 years ago, his son said, when the company offered to pay for a substance abuse rehabilitation program and his father declined. He said his father had worked in the shipping and die-casting departments.

Myers slept in several spots. Often, he camped out at a Sunnyvale park near Cat Smith's home, and the legal secretary said Myers had a friend who sometimes lived along the freeway where he was killed.

Over the five years that she knew him, Smith said, she bought Myers cat food for his pets, and sometimes ordered pizzas for him and his friends. She and her neighbors occasionally paid Myers to move furniture or help string Christmas lights. She said he watched out for her kids when they played outside.

"He never panhandled," she said. "And if you hired him for a job, he was there on time and did the work."

She, too, enjoyed Myers' guitar playing on the weekends in front of 7-Eleven.

"He played and sang for people," she said. "We all watched out of him. He was family to everyone in the neighborhood."

     做为中国人,有一点硬是搞不明白:为什么美国人不赡养父母?被撞死的的Guy Myers
并非孤家寡人一个, 他有三个孩子, 四个孙子孙女。 在中国人的眼里可谓儿孙满堂。 每个子女只要稍稍出力, 至少也可以把他们的父亲在廉价的老人公寓安顿下来, 不用无家可归了。 仅仅是因为父亲失业,酗酒,就可以把他扔在街上,置之不理吗?那十几年的生养之恩到哪里去了?这对他们的孙辈又会带来什么样的影响呢? 

 从来没有看到什么电影描述关于子女和他们已经年迈父母有什么深切的爱。 美国人老了, 要么和老伴相依为命, 万一老伴不幸死了, 就只能养几只宠物解闷。 爱幼但是不敬老, 难道这真是地道的美国文化吗?


    " Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which The Lord your God gives you.


     这条诫命超越了不可杀人,不可奸淫,不可偷盗, 不可做假见证陷害人, 不可贪恋人的房屋;也不可贪恋人的妻子、仆婢、牛驴,并他一切所有的。 成为除不允许拜别神以外最大的诫命。 圣经又说“ 要孝敬父母,使你得福,在世长寿。这是第一条带应许的诫命 << 6:3>>”。上帝对孝敬父母这一点是相当看重的。 他一定认为, 父母尽管不完美,但养育之恩不能忘,否则天打雷劈!

    相信两百年前的新移民对自己的父母是相当照顾的,美国也因而成为一个强国。 但看看近些年来一些美国人的作为:乱伦,遗弃父母, 甚而由同性恋发展到想立法。除非美国人重拾当年 乔治. 华盛顿在立国时按手于圣经上宣誓时的庄严圣洁, 上帝的荣耀不会再回到美国来。真的是欣赏中国人,或是亚洲人对待父母的态度。孝敬父母的思想, 是儒家流传下来的,也是硕果谨存的一个传统美德。如果东西方人都按照自己的本位文化来遵循, 街上就不会有那么多无家可归的老人了。 其实, 他们都是有家的, 只是,不肖子孙把他们遗弃了。     

     一个音乐家就这样惨死了。死的时候,他把自己心爱的吉它举在头顶,大概是担心被车撞着。 他的死固然是一个意外,难道他的子孙后代没有任何责任吗?希望美国人醒转过来,跟回赐他们无数恩典的的神。 希望我们栖身的国家不会成为第二个英国, 变成沦落的日落帝国。 



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