


问帖: 在美国如果没有医疗保险, 得了大病 ( 如癌症 ) 怎么办?

答: 首先得问一下, 是你的雇主没有提供医保计划给雇员还是你无法负担?

      如果以前你没买医疗保险, 你现在可能还来得及. 问问雇主的人事部 ( HR ) 人员何时为公司的open enrollment period. 来得及的话, 抓紧时间参加一个计划. 具体的指导参见:

    How to manage your health insurance

      如果你负担不起医疗保险, 你可以做:

      1. 查电话号码 ( in the government pages of your phone book or on the Internet ) , 打电话到当地的社会服务部门 ( local Social Services Department ). 你可能有资格申请到 Medicaid 或其它的为低收入者提供的医疗计划 ( other programs for low-income ).

      2. 打电话到当地的公共卫生部门 ( local Public Health Department ) , 那里的社工人员 ( social worker ) 会帮你找找当地的 health care programs --- ask what public health services are offered in your community. 他们会提供你居住区各医院可能有的免费或低收费计划, 如: " free clinics ",  " charity care "  or  " indigent care " programs. 如果他们不是非常清楚各医院的具体计划, 请别放弃, 直接打电话到医院问, ask to speak with a social worker. Hospital social workers are usually the most knowledgeable about sources of support in your community.

      3. 如果你附近有医学院的教学医院 --- teaching hospital ( 相当于国内的医学院附属医院 ) , 那里有不少 free-treatment programs, 可以直接打电话到医院询问.

      4. 某些医院接收联邦政府拨发的 Hill-Burton funds 的资助. 这些医院必须给无法支付医疗费用的患者 ( 特别是癌症患者 ) 提供一些免费的服务. Approximately 300 hospitals take part in this program. Call (800) 638-0742 or visit their Web site,

      5. 如果你得了乳癌或宫颈癌 ( breast or cervical cancer ) , 在 " the Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Act of 2000 " 法规下, 你可能享有更多的帮助. For more information, go to  or call (888) 842-6355 或者 contacting the  National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service  at 1-800-4-CANCER ( 1-800-422-6237 ) . They have information about how to get free mammograms, Pap smears, and treatment.

      Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation  or  the  American Cancer Society.

      从 American Cancer Society 我摘出一些有用的链接:

      6. 参加一个低收入的处方药计划 : 问问你的医生, 他们知道一些便宜的处方药计划, some drugstores and discount stores now offer certain generic drugs at very low prices. Most of the time, these do not include cancer drugs -- although some offer tamoxifen in their programs. Even people with insurance may be able to lower their co-payments and save money by getting some of their medicines at very low cost ( often $4 to $10 for each refill ).

      其它的帮助, See the section " Financial issues: Getting help with living expenses " for ideas on help with non-medical expenses.


      注: 以上链接的信息来自:  Health Insurance and Financial Assistance for the Cancer Patient

      这几天感冒, 第一天发现声音莫名其妙地哑了, 就没上班; 第二天无热度, 只干咳; 今天继续干咳、鼻塞. 发现鼻子闻不出任何味了. 不敢上班去传染人, 所以就喝水、睡觉、起床、吃喝、走动、继续睡. 下楼吃老公煮好的热馄饨汤时, 刚好读到这个问贴, 就写一些我知道的. 不足之处请其他人补充. 各位晚安!



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来源: 文学城-闽姑