Episode number should I come up with a new title?

Episode number should I come up with a new title?


Hi. I am Emily but you already knew that. Any ways, I come back to you with another theory. So, If you take some cheese that has holes in it, and you get more holey cheese, you have more cheese, and more holes, right? The more holes you have, the less cheese there is. So, the more cheese you have, the less cheese you have. Just an obscure thought.

Continuing on, Enough about cheese. I had a bicycle class with my coach Joy today, and I was crying within the first five minutes! That is a record for me. i had to do cadence of 130 or above!

I don't have much time, but my session was really hard! At the end, you couldn't tell tears from sweat and snot (gross, I know). So, I gotta go now, have a good day!...............(a lot of periods). Going swimming!..

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