Kiss and Tell

Kiss and Tell


[Mommy’s Love Note]: Last night I was cleaning up the big piles of papers the kids brought back home, when I found this short story my daughter Little J wrote at school about a month ago.  It was a very cute piece of writing and I almost missed it!  Yes, I sure love it!

I am now posting the story here, hoping my Little J would know how much I love her, and how proud I am of her very creative writing. 

By the way, if you would like to leave a message for her, please leave it in English (or simple Chinese), and refer to her as “Birthday Girl”. That’s what she asked us to call her for today.  Thank you!  J

On St. Patrick’s Day I was walking in the sunshine.  When I looked down the street I saw a four-leaf clover!  I walked back and I saw the ice cream truck.  The ice cream man gave me a free ice cream.  Then I looked up and saw the sky turned green. 

I also saw somebody walking with some puppies.  The person with the puppies asked me if I wanted one.  I said “sure”!  So she gave me a puppy!

I went back home, and my mom said I could keep the puppy.  Then she gave me a present.  It was a leprechaun!  I was very excited. 

My mom took a shower.  When she came back out she was green too!

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