






国家公园之父( Father of National Park Service ) John Muir ,终其一生保护大自然,自称是“ a Citizen of the Universe ”,鼓励人们“ Climb the mountains and get their good tidings ”。


他曾经在他的 Mountain Thoughts 一文中如此写到他心爱的 The Sierra :

1. Mountains holy as Sinai. No mountains I know of are so alluring. None so hospitable, kindly, tenderly inspiring. It seems strange that everybody does not come at their call. They are given, like the Gospel, without money and without price. ‘Tis heaven alone that is given away'.

2. Here is calm so deep, grasses cease waving. . . . Wonderful how completely everything in wild nature fits into us, as if truly part and parent of us. The sun shines not on us but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us, thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing. The trees wave and the flowers bloom in our bodies as well as our souls, and every bird song, wind song, and; tremendous storm song of the rocks in the heart of the mountains is our song, our very own, and sings our love.

3. The Song of God, sounding on forever. So pure and sure and universal is the harmony, it matters not where we are, where we strike in on the wild lowland plains. We care not to go to the mountains, and on the mountains we care not to go to the plains. But as soon as we are absorbed in the harmony, plain, mountain, calm, storm, lilies and sequoias, forests and meads are only different strands of many-colored Light-are one in the sunbeam!

4. What wonders lie in every mountain day!. . . Crystals of snow, plash of small raindrops, hum of small insects, booming beetles, the jolly rattle of grasshoppers, chirping crickets, the screaming of hawks, jays, and Clark crows, the ‘coo-r-r-r’ of cranes, the honking of geese, partridges drumming, trumpeting swans, frogs croaking, the whirring rattle of snakes, the awful enthusiasm of booming falls, the roar of cataracts, the crash and roll of thunder, earthquake shocks, the whisper of rills soothing to slumber, the piping of marmots, the bark of squirrels, the laugh of a wolf, the snorting of deer, the explosive roaring of bears, the squeak of mice, the cry of the loon-loneliest, wildest of sounds. . . .

5. A fine place for feasting if only one be poor enough. One is speedily absorbed into the spiritual values of things. The body vanishes and the freed soul goes abroad. . . .

6. Only in the roar of storms do these mighty solitudes find voice at all commensurate with their grandeur. . . . The pines at the approach of storms show eager expectancy, bowing, swishing, tossing their branches with eager gestures, roaring like lions about to be fed, standing bent and round-shouldered like sentinels exposed. . . .

7. Sickness, pain, death - yet who could guess their existence in this fresh, abounding, overflowing life, this universal beauty?

8. Race living on race, killers killed, yet how little we see of this slaughter! How neatly, secretly, decently is this killing done! I never saw one drop of blood, one red stain on all this wilderness. Even death is in harmony here. Only in shambles and the downy beds of homes is death terrible. Perhaps there is more pleasure than pain in natural death, or even violent death. Livingstone declared that the crushing of his arm by a lion was rather pleasurable than otherwise. . . .

Muir 的文字,我们一定可以深深感觉到他对大自然的热爱和感激( appreciation ),了解他对人类与自然和谐共存的期望。

但是在沙漠,我去寻找的并不是那些,而是一种叫做力量的东西。在荒漠之上,大自然无疑是充满力量的。它中间的生命,又何尝不是如此啊。不论是植物,还是动物,包括我们人类,都无暇感激一派贫瘠。大家都在抗衡,充满敬畏地与自然抗衡( awe )。所以当我们在荒无人烟的茫茫大漠,看到几栋房子、一片野花、独自行走的路人、山间干枯的水道,都会心生感动。那座凭空而起辉煌耀眼的 Las Vegas 不夜之城,堪称人类在沙漠上制造的奇迹,是人类征服自然的冠冕。


死亡谷( Death Valley )位于约书亚树国家公园( Joshua Tree National Park )之北, Anza-Borrego 位于 Joshua Tree 之南,同属于莫哈维( Mojave )这片巨大的沙漠与戈壁。这一带我们去过不只一次,拜访次数多了,逐渐发现它们各自的一些特点。


而南部的 Anza-Borrego ,最突出的则是漫山遍野的 Ocotillo 。在约书亚树公园虽然也有一片,名曰 Ocotillo Patch ,但与 Anza-Borrego 的 Ocotillo 比起来,不过只是几株零星的小树罢了。

Anza-Borrego 的 Ocotillo ,何止成千上万。与此异曲同工的,是约书亚树公园的 Joshua Tree ,虽然公园外边也有,甚至我们家旁边的邻居还种了两棵,但是在约书亚树公园里边的约书亚树,才算是密布的,旺盛的,成气候的。

Anza-Borrego 和死亡谷的春天,我们都看过。于是今年特意去约书亚公园 ,听说在它南部的野花种类最多,开得也最繁茂。







在Hidden Valleywalking trail,还找到了一棵去年跟阿小J合影的小树。那时候,她和它一样高。过去这一年,阿小J长高了不少,再去跟那棵树比较,树却比她长得还快!于是她找了一棵特别矮小的树,跟它合影,大概是希望明年再来的时候,它还没有超过她。这个丫头,跟小树耍心眼。她哪里知道,那些一言不发的树木,有着多么超乎寻常的生命力和成长空间。


这个 Joshua Tree National Park ,以约书亚树命名。这还是当年摩门教的拓荒者为此种沙漠植物所取的名字,描述它们“举手祈祷”的样子。除了这些树,公园另一特色,则是巨大的石头群,怪石磷峋,鬼斧神工。所以世界各地的攀岩爱好者,都喜欢到这里来一试身手。我从头到尾看了几个人的攀岩,其中有一位,选择的是几乎没有扒手之处的一块巨石。爬到中间,他找不到突破点,一步都上不去。于是频频下盼,手臂上的肌肉有略微的颤动,同时发出粗重的喘息声,伴随着“啊——啊”的低喊。他如此停在那里,大约有一分多钟,可我的感觉,像是经过了至少半个钟头。我的心脏不住狂跳。终于,他继续向上爬了一步,没有人知道他那一步是否稳妥,会不会滑落下来,我也为他担心到忘了呼吸。谢天谢地,他没有摔下来。他像一只带着吸盘的虫子一样,贴附在光滑的巨石表面。那一瞬间,我觉得人类,其实也很伟大。






Greenfields by The Brothers Four

Once there were green fields
Kissed by the sun
Once there were valleys
Where rivers used to run
Once there were blue skies
With white clouds high above
Once there were part of
An everlasting love
We were the lovers who strolled
Through green fields

Green fields are gone now
Parched by the sun
Gone from the valleys
Where rivers used to run
Gone with the cold wind
That swept into my heart
Gone with the lovers
Who let their dreams depart
Where are the green fields
That we used to roam
I'll never know
What made you run away
How can I keep searching
When dark clouds hide the day

I only know
There's nothing here for me
Nothing in this wide world
Left for me to see
But I'll keep on waiting
Till you return
I'll keep on waiting
Until the day you learn
You can't be happy
While your hearts on the roam
You can't be happy
Until you bring it home
Home to the green fields and me
Once again

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