亲们的485 receipt上 有这句 204(j)么? (转载)
亲们的485 receipt上 有这句 204(j)么? (转载)# EB23 - 劳工卡
【 以下文字转载自 Immigration 讨论区 】
发信人: oboi (鳌拜), 信区: Immigration
标 题: 亲们EB1A的485 receipt上 有这句 204(j)么?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 8 23:30:55 2016, 美东)
EB1A 485 pending 180天内可以换工作但不转行么? 包子答谢
刚刚收到 485的receipt notice 上面有句话
As a reminder, you may request to change employer under INA 204(j) if you
Form I-485 Adjustment application has been pending for at least 180 days and
your underlying Form I-140 is approved or is still pending. In order to do
so, you should supplement the form I-485 record of proceeding with
documentation relating to the new job offer that forms the basis of the INA
204(j) portability request."
言外之意 是不是
1. 180天以内不许换工作!!!
2. 180天以外才能换 并且是同领域的工作!!!
3. 180天外换工作 还要跟移民局打招呼 "supplement the form I-485 record" 这具
4. 大家的485 receipt notice上有这句话么?
我记得有人说过对于交了485的EB1A和NIW 180天以内就可以同领域内换工作呢?
关于 204(j)
Q #8. How can an alien beneficiary submit a request to change employers
under INA 204(j)?
A. An alien beneficiary may supplement the Form I-485 record of proceeding
with documentation relating to the new job offer that forms the basis of the
INA §204(j) portability request. The alien beneficiary or the Form G-28
representative for the Form I-485 application must send a letter from the
new intended permanent employer specifying the job title and duties of the
offered position, the minimum educational or training requirements, the date
the alien beneficiary began (or will begin) employment and the offered
salary or wage. The letter must be issued and signed by the appropriate
authority within the new employer's organization who is authorized to make
or confirm an offer of permanent employment. In addition, a copy of the Form
I-140 approval notice or receipt notice and a copy of the Form I-485
receipt notice should be provided to locate the alien's beneficiary's case
file and to confirm that the application has been pending for at least 180
感觉好麻烦啊 最近拿到485的有这个么? 这不是form J上要求的东西么?难道已经开始
了? 我去!!