1. it's GULC, not GTLC
2. the tuition is more like $130k-$140k, but including living expense, $200k
sounds like a reasonable number
3. summers are paid over $3000 (in the $3000-$3500 range) a week at big law
nowadays, not $2000.
4. No one can guarantee you a job out of law school. That said, you don't
have to make yourself an average student and then take more risk on the job
market. YOU are the most important risk factor, and it's a factor YOU can
5. I agree with alava above that as an international student, you either get
a great job (big law, high pay), or you get nothing (public interest or a
lot other opportunity isn't an option for you). That said, every Chinese
student I know at GULC got that great job, and none of them had mag cum
laude, I believe.
No question there is a risk. The question is whether you dare to take that