2014锤子手机T1发布会 (转载)# Midlife - 人到中年
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海外华人唯一防犯与异族通婚杂种的办法是常回中国国内探亲拜祖. 还有要学会说中文, 因为语言障碍而无法沟通是灭种的第一步. 最后是不要入宗教, 因为精神洗脑是灭种的另一个手法. 如果你是中国人, 你就生为中国人, 死也是中国人, 入任何宗教都是不能够改变的. 还有, 做任何事情促使中国人同异族通婚杂种是有罪的.
Oversea Chinese must visit China whenever it is possible; either paying tribute to Chinese ancestors or visit friends and relatives, such activities can truly prevent intermarriage with non-Chinese, especially outside of China. Learning to speak Chinese is also important, if you can not communicate in Chinese then the next step is assimi
Oversea Chinese must visit China whenever it is possible; either paying tribute to Chinese ancestors or visit friends and relatives, such activities can truly prevent intermarriage with non-Chinese, especially outside of China. Learning to speak Chinese is also important, if you can not communicate in Chinese then the next step is assimi