Getting Married (8.2)# Translation - 译林
Chapter 8.2 A Car Lost and Found
Daishan broke the exciting news to Xianke at night. Xianke was also very glad
and said, “Poor Lao Chen! He had to call for car service to go to the
airport!” Daishan had never been to Brooklyn area, so they studied the maps
for a while and figured out what subways Daishan had to take to see their car.
The next day Daishan walked out of the No. 5 train rather nervously. It took
her almost half an hour to make out the directions and finally found their
Toyota Came

Toyota Camery, discarded near a garbage site, standing there lonely by itself.

Daishan inserted the key into the car door, hand trembling a little with
~~door lock~~

anything valuable, reusable, were taken off and away; only the steel shell,
~~ had been stripped o

【在 y**g 的大作中提到】
: Chapter 8.2 A Car Lost and Found
: Daishan broke the exciting news to Xianke at night. Xianke was also very glad
: and said, “Poor Lao Chen! He had to call for car service to go to the
: airport!” Daishan had never been to Brooklyn area, so they studied the maps
: for a while and figured out what subways Daishan had to take to see their car.
: The next day Daishan walked out of the No. 5 train rather nervously. It took
: her almost half an hour to make out the directions and finally found their
: Toyota Came

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