Good speaker or good thinker?
Good speaker or good thinker?# Biology - 生物学
are there any difference?
I have seen a lot of people comment on others or some professors as
"good talker", at the same time, over looking the fact that they are, just
as they are good talker, are very good thinker who can come up with
good ideas and make correlation between different fields in biology.
We have a natural tendence to look down upon those who talks but don't
do much. However, the ability to talk means first you will have something
to present, which requires a lot of reading, thin
people are different.
Most commonly, people are good at some aspects and not as good at some aspects.
We call those good at many things genius:)
So for normal people not so gifted, some are good speakers, many of them, if
not most, can just talk nonthing for a long time with very good
organization and control, have you ever been in the talks from Deans or
Meanwhile, for other people with creative thoughts, it is quite possible
that they can excite themselves but nobody else. Have yo

【在 l*****k 的大作中提到】
: are there any difference?
: I have seen a lot of people comment on others or some professors as
: "good talker", at the same time, over looking the fact that they are, just
: as they are good talker, are very good thinker who can come up with
: good ideas and make correlation between different fields in biology.
: We have a natural tendence to look down upon those who talks but don't
: do much. However, the ability to talk means first you will have something
: to present, which requires a lot of reading, thin
