Do you know why almost every major graduates can enter MD program? because medical education will teach MDs everything they need to do treat a patient and they only need to follow everthing they were told to do in medical school. if they do so they don't take any responsibility when they fail the patient. They are not required to do anything original or exploratory in clinical practice. Biology is different. for a PhD in Biology, they don't tell you everthing you are going to do after you get your degree from grad school and you are required to find out what nobody has ever done and nobody has ever known in order to develop your own career in research. Totally different training and career path.
至少2008年以前,Fan 在西北大学Feinberg School of Medicine做博士后。这些是他 在该实验室的Publication: Du Z, Park KW, Yu H, Fan Q, Li L.(2008)Newly identified prion linked to the chromatin-remodeling factor Swi1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Nat Genet. 40(4 ):460-5. Fan Q, Park KW, Du Z, Morano KA, Li L.(2007)The role of Sse1 in the de novo formation and variant determination of the [PSI+] prion. Genetics. 177(3): 1583-93. 现在在哪就不知道了。