2 楼
just finished off a few experiments so I finally have time to deal with you
piece of shit. I am done with trading words with you anymore because it's
just a
waste of my time.
you sound so full of shit but I bet you a 100% physically crippled maggot
that has nothing good to do in your "meaningful" life. I bet you also you
want to
meet in person? I am so wanting to meet you. I can come over to your place
or the
other way around. or we can meet somewhere in between. it's your choice.
relax, I am not going to beat you up because maggot like you is not even
worth it although I am 100% certain I am physically superior to you little
dirty piece of shit. so don't get me wrong. I am not threatening you at all.
I just want to treat you a nice dinner and we can chat a bit. nothing more.
maybe we can take a picture together with our ids in our hands.
let me know because you are so interested in my "长期被压抑的心灵". you
little worthless piece of shit.
I am now temporarily in Houston. I will go back to Boston by Christmas. So
now or then, here or there, I am quite flexible. so instead of typing, you
should come out your basement and meet me. don't you think? you piece of
shit? i bet even your mother is not taking you maggot seriously either.
piece of shit. I am done with trading words with you anymore because it's
just a
waste of my time.
you sound so full of shit but I bet you a 100% physically crippled maggot
that has nothing good to do in your "meaningful" life. I bet you also you
want to
meet in person? I am so wanting to meet you. I can come over to your place
or the
other way around. or we can meet somewhere in between. it's your choice.
relax, I am not going to beat you up because maggot like you is not even
worth it although I am 100% certain I am physically superior to you little
dirty piece of shit. so don't get me wrong. I am not threatening you at all.
I just want to treat you a nice dinner and we can chat a bit. nothing more.
maybe we can take a picture together with our ids in our hands.
let me know because you are so interested in my "长期被压抑的心灵". you
little worthless piece of shit.
I am now temporarily in Houston. I will go back to Boston by Christmas. So
now or then, here or there, I am quite flexible. so instead of typing, you
should come out your basement and meet me. don't you think? you piece of
shit? i bet even your mother is not taking you maggot seriously either.
4 楼
who wants to be ref? must be one of those old ids.
i will give you my phone number, we can facetime. you will also have to
verify nanomotor1's identity, given this little motherfucker dares to crawl
out of his mother's basement.
i will pay whoever does this $50.
i will give you my phone number, we can facetime. you will also have to
verify nanomotor1's identity, given this little motherfucker dares to crawl
out of his mother's basement.
i will pay whoever does this $50.
6 楼
8 楼
12 楼
Get shot first, then ask what it was.
14 楼
15 楼
Agilent Bioanalyser 2100 能不能粗略估算一下total RNA中小RNA和miRNA的丰度2014年973计划项目预算安排初步方案-循环miRNA生物学功能及临床应用Help生物PhD-我好讨厌自己zz为啥对张辰宇血液miRNA的文章故作高深啊?审稿机会:Malaria Chemotherapy, Control & Elimination (转载)这个好发包子是不是早了点?help with full text关于Genome edit这方面求篇文献和大家分享一些PCAT的复习资料 (转载)用哪个公司的streptavidin beads做pulldown最好?小鼠的小肠怎么flush操作方便还干净?关于转行,花费15,000拿一种证书是否值得?做生物的不要妄自菲薄问一个ips做chimera的问题J1豁免之后,回国之后是不是不能再以J1签证回美国了? (转载)Re: 我放句狠话-你们苦逼都是自找的 (转载)请教面试博后的时候怎么问老板funding是否充足?