I spent two hours trying to memorize a French Suite 's Arabande. I still break
in the middle(always the same place) and coulnd't continue. THen I tried to
play it on different pianos to seperate the touches of my finger and my
hearing. And eventually I could play it from the beginign to the end without
the score. But the second day, I woke up. I try to sing the top voice but
still break in the same place. But I went to the piano and I started to play
it. I figured that out. It seems my finger ha
Bach is notorious for memorization i think it is because his music lacks
repetition and almost every bar offeres some new music ideas in way of new
harmony or structure. it took me a week to memorize a 3 part fuge by him and i
still cannot always remember the articulation/dynamics of each note when i
play. on the contrary it took me only 1 day or two to memorize the fast
movements of mozart's k332


【在 g*********t 的大作中提到】
: I spent two hours trying to memorize a French Suite 's Arabande. I still break
: in the middle(always the same place) and coulnd't continue. THen I tried to
: play it on different pianos to seperate the touches of my finger and my
: hearing. And eventually I could play it from the beginign to the end without
: the score. But the second day, I woke up. I try to sing the top voice but
: still break in the same place. But I went to the piano and I started to play
: it. I figured that out. It seems my finger ha

But from my exprience when I could play bach's french suit at normal
speed, I could already memorize it.
I think singing really hard, because piano works are hard to sing out,
so it does not help to memeorize the scores.

【在 g*********t 的大作中提到】
: I spent two hours trying to memorize a French Suite 's Arabande. I still break
: in the middle(always the same place) and coulnd't continue. THen I tried to
: play it on different pianos to seperate the touches of my finger and my
: hearing. And eventually I could play it from the beginign to the end without
: the score. But the second day, I woke up. I try to sing the top voice but
: still break in the same place. But I went to the piano and I started to play
: it. I figured that out. It seems my finger ha

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