


Twitter的“马斯克时代”正式开启!周五凌晨一点左右,特斯拉 CEO 马斯克转发一条推文,图片显示马斯克正和员工在Twitter总部的咖啡厅交谈。




而就在昨日,马斯克将推特资料介绍修改为“Chief Twit”,并发布了一条视频,他在视频中一语双关的写道“进入推特总部,让它沉入其中!(let that sink in)”。

“让它沉入其中”是let that sink in的直译,其英文解释是:"It means take some time to think about something, and then you'll understand it better"大意是,多花点时间细想某事之后,你会理解的更清楚。用网络流行语来说就是,“请让子再弹飞一会” 。



马斯克正式掌管 Twitter

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Billionaire Elon Musk on Thursday finally took control of Twitter after the biggest deal this year kept the tech world in wait-and-watch mode for months. In his first move as the boss of one of the world's most popular social networking sites, Musk is reported to have terminated Twitter chief executive Parag Agrawal, chief financial officer Ned Segal and legal affairs and policy chief Vijaya Gadde. Since Musk began buying shares of Twitter in January this year, there have been controversies galore - from Musk dropping out of the deal to the legal battle with Twitter.

Here is a timeline of the events:

January 31: Elon Musk began buying shares of Twitter in near-daily installments - amassing a 5% stake in the company by mid-March.

March 26: Musk had said that he is giving a “serious thought” to building an alternative to Twitter - questioning the platform's commitment to “free speech” and whether Twitter is undermining democracy. He had also privately reached out to the Twitter board, including co-founder Jack Dorsey.

Also read: Parag Agrawal likely to receive $42 million following exit from Twitter: Report

March 27: Elon Musk began conversations with Twitter CEO and board members about potentially joining the board. He had also mentioned taking Twitter private or starting a competitor, according to later regulatory filings. After privately informing Twitter of his growing stake in the company, Musk starts conversations with its CEO and board members about potentially joining the board. Musk also mentions taking Twitter private or starting a competitor, reported AP.

April 4: A regulatory filing revealed that Musk has rapidly become the largest shareholder of Twitter after acquiring a 9 percent stake (73.5 million shares) - worth about $3 billion.

April 5: Musk was offered a seat on Twitter’s board on the condition he amasses no more than 14.9 percent of the company’s stock.

April 9: The relationship between Twitter chief executive Parag Agrawal and Elon Musk went sour after Musk publicly tweeted: “Is Twitter dying?” To this, Agrawal called the criticism unhelpful.

April 11: Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal announced Musk will not be joining the board after all.

April 14: Twitter revealed in a securities filing that Musk has offered to buy the company for about $44 billion.

April 21: Musk lined up $46.5 billion in financing to buy Twitter.

April 25: Elon Musk reached a deal to buy Twitter for $44 billion and take the company private. The billionaire said that he wanted to own and privatize Twitter because he thinks “it is not living up to its potential as a platform for free speech.”

April 29: Musk sold around $8.5 billion worth of shares in Tesla to help fund the purchase of Twitter.

May 5: Musk strengthened his offer to buy Twitter with commitments of more than $7 billion from a diverse group of investors.

May 10: Elon Musk said that he would reverse the ban on former US president Donald Trump's Twitter account following the US Capitol violence.

May 13: Musk declared his plan to buy Twitter is “temporarily on hold.”

June 6: Elon Musk accused Twitter of refusing to give him the information he requested about its spam bot accounts and threatened to end his $44 billion agreement.

July 12: Twitter sued Musk and asked him to complete the deal. Musk countersued.

Also read: You're free to tweet: Messages reveal Elon Musk- Parag Agrawal fall out

July 19: A Delaware judge said the Musk-Twitter legal dispute will go to trial in October.

August 23: Former head of security at Twitter alleged that the company “misled regulators about its poor cybersecurity defenses” and its negligence in attempting to root out fake accounts that spread misinformation. Musk cited the whistleblower as a new reason to scuttle his Twitter deal.

October 5: Musk offered to go through with his original proposal to buy Twitter for $44 billion.

October 6: Delaware judge delayed October 17 trial until November and gave both sides until October 28 to reach an agreement to close the deal.

October 20: Reports said that Musk planned to lay off 75 percent of the company's employees.

October 26: Musk posted a video of himself entering Twitter headquarters carrying a kitchen sink, indicating that the deal is set to go through. He also updated his Twitter profile's bio to "Chief Twit".

October 27: Musk took control of Twitter and reportedly fired the company's CEO, chief financial officer, and general counsel.


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Ed? Yeah.

Take us through a lot of these hot headlines coming through, key takeaways, yeah, key takeaways as it's done.

You know, shareholders of note will receive fifty four dollars and 20 cents each share that they they hold.

You know, we've known throughout the course of the day that the paperwork was done and signed.


And that the debt financing came together Tuesday through Thursday.

All of the equity investors or CAC investors who transferred the funds.

I think the MSCI right also gave notice that Twitter shares would be suspended on November the 1st, which is still some time away.

But you know, the NYSE had already given notice that trading would be suspended.

Premarket open Friday.

So, you know, all the signs were that this was moving ahead.

And then, you know, the latest action, according to sources, even massacres, has cleared shock.


The top names in the C suite, including the chief legal officer, chief legal counsel, CFO, and then crucially, the CEO, Paragon Royale, have all been terminated or they've left the company.

So it's a new era for Twitter under Yvonne Man and let that sink in.

That was a tweet that he said on the first day going into the Twitter headquarters.

And I think investors were kind of thinking this way as news of the is we out the door? What are you hearing on who could actually potentially replace these positions now at Twitter? Yeah.

I mean, in the first instance, we think it's likely that Elon Musk will have a role at the company.


We know that he's been in and around the building for the last 24 hours.

Kurt Wagner and I reported actually has a small army of Tesla engineering talent in the building this week, working with Twitter's engineering and product teams to better understand the Twitter platform.

The code essentially, you know, we're even hearing situations where like a Tesla engineer is buddying up with a Twitter engineer to kind of sit down so that they can walk each other through the underlying code that powered Twitter, which is quite a thought.

Look, some of the co equity investors that bought into this deal were big names in Silicon Valley, many of them longtime allies, a mosque.

We we thought it's possible that he bring somebody in, but we just don't know at this stage.


And anything else we're missing and I apologize.

I think I missed you're one of the things you just mentioned.

There are the shares trading on Friday.

I think you mentioned they're not.


The NYSE very early on Thursday morning put out a notice, a suspension notice, essentially that the shares would be poor.

I think what we're hearing from sources is that, you know, even if.

Well, the deal is out there now.

Right? The deal is closed.

The expectation was that it was going to close premarket Friday.

One of the reasons there was a rush to do that is that it would have been more complicated if the market opened and the Treasury shares had started trading on Friday.

So that I think that's the assumption right now.

They will not trade Friday.

And then in terms of what comes next.

I think we want to know what Twitter, the platform and Twitter the company looks like under Elon Musk.


The holding company he incorporated to buy Twitter acts kind of gives us a clue.

And we've written and reported about how we believe Musk will move Twitter towards something similar to what we have.


Broader functionality, not just a place where you can send tweets the way you can do other transactions, you can use other functionality as well.

So be interesting to see how quickly that happens.


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