






数亿美元的身家 (邦辰4亿美元,布雷迪2.5亿美元),以及几个孩子的抚养权问题,已然成了焦点。她45岁的老公布雷迪最近则投入了新赛季,一直忙着比赛,没有对离婚消息作出任何回应,只是在参加一档播客时说职业运动员“是人不是神,对于生活中的挫折也没有免疫力”。


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Everyone knows Future Hall of Famer football legend Tom Brady and beautiful model Giselle  Bundchen are married and have a beautiful family together. 

But only some are aware of the divorce rumors that have been spreading recently. 

Throughout this whole video, we will dive deep into the details of the famous NFL player  dealing with his issues. 

This is everything you need to know about Tom Brady’s divorce. 

Tom Brady has stated that he will play another NFL season with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. 

Following recent news regarding his possible divorce from Gisele Bundchen, there were rumors  that the quarterback might not go ahead with his plans to play this next football season. 

It's been suggested that Gisele was extremely unhappy that her husband decided to come out  of retirement and return to the Buccaneers. 

The couple is rumored to be on the brink of divorce unless Brady performs a massive U-turn. 

Brady’s retirement looks even more unlikely than a divorce, talk about sticking with the  boys forever. 

Brady expressed his feelings toward football and the upcoming season in his latest press  conference where he confirmed his return. 

Still, even after saying he will play this season, he did say it could be his last. 

"I think all of us are just getting older, I'm not sure if we're going to be playing  next year or not. 

This is the truth for every player, every coach, and every parent. 

So we should all go with the best opportunity that we have in our lives, which is this one. 

It's been like this for a long time for me so I know how to achieve my best self and  be professional,". 

While saying this Brady looked emotional and tired. 

It seemed as if his problems were weighing on his mind. 

It remains to be seen if his private life has an impact on his performance on the field. 

Brady is recognized as one of the best quarterbacks in NFL history and made headlines in 2019  when he retired from his previous team, the New England Pa triots. 

Most people thought he had put the sport down for good until he returned and “unretired,”  joining the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2020. 

His comeback ultimately led the Buccaneers to a Super Bowl victory in his first season  in Florida. 

Since he married Gisele in 2009, the couple and their three children have been present  on the sidelines of every single game. 

But currently, his comeback to the sport is known to be causing an issue in their marriage. 

Sources reported that Tom missed 11 days of preseason training with the Buccaneers, when  he was asked about his absence, Brady replied that it was due to personal issues. 

“It’s all personal … Everyone's got multiple situations they’re trying to fix. 

We all have different challenges in our day-to-day life. 

I’m 45 years old, man. 

There’s plenty of stuff going on,” he said in a press conference. 

A few days after this, some sources reported rumors of a possible divorce between the two,  saying there have been problems in the marriage over Brady's decision to return to football. 

After these statements, Brady's wife tweeted her support for the Buccaneers, but she was  not physically present to cheer on her husband. 

This struck some people as a questionable decision. 

The media came out saying that It felt very different this year with her than last year,  that she used to be excited to be at the games, and everyone saw her around. 

For her part throughout Brady’s football career, Gisele stepped back from her lucrative  modeling career to care for their young family so he could focus on the sport. 

“I've done my part, which is to be there for him. 

I moved to Boston, and I focused on creating a cocoon and a loving environment for my children  to grow up in and to be there supporting them and their dreams...I feel very satisfied in  that way, as a mom, and as a spouse. 

And now it's going to be a time to enjoy.”  But Gisele still seems to care more about Brady’s presence in the marriage. 

“I have my doubts, this is a very aggressive sport, and I have my kids and I would like  him to be more with them. 

I have had those talks with him over and over again. 

But in the end, I feel that everybody has to make the choice that feels good for them. 

He needs to listen to himself, too.”  After these rumors cooled down a little, Tom Brady replied to them. 

The NFL legend talked about how he values his family and the truth behind the tension  between him and his wife. 

During an interview, Jim Gray asked the Superbowl champion if the only time he had “peace  and relaxation” is when some 320-pound dude was chasing him on the field. 

Tom replied: “I hope that’s not the only moment I find it because that’s a bad way  to go. 

But life is easy when you’re in football season since there’s a schedule to it. 

You know, we play every week, and the rhythm is pretty much established. 

But, you know, I’m learning to find peace in other ways of life and just enjoying, you  know, the moments with my kids and seeing how they are growing. 

And football and family have always been the most important thing to me so it’s a good  time of year.”  Tom also once stated that he is doing everything he can to make it up to Gisele and that they’re  working through things and trying to come out the other side. 

One source told the media that Gisele was “frustrated” with Tom and that's why nobody  was spotting her at the games anymore. 

The sources also said that going back to Tampa after his false retirement put a bump on the  personal side of his life, which led Gisele to be frustrated and tired of his career coming  before their family. 

But both parts of the marriage already denied all rumors of divorce, so the chances of this  happening anytime soon are very low. 

Sorry ladies, Brady is still taken!  Now that you know all about their divorce rumors, here are a few interesting facts that  might change your perspective. 


They Stay Fit Together Considering Gisele has made a name for herself  in the world of fashion, and Tom Brady in the world of sports, it's no surprise the  two keep up with their workouts. 

According to GMA, the dynamic duo hit the gym daily, keeping their fitness up and even  getting their kids involved in the action too. 


They Are Mega-Rich Gisele was named the highest-paid model in  the world several years in a row, and considering Tom Brady is one of the most successful quarterbacks  in the NFL, it's no surprise that these two are super RICH. 

The couple has a combined net worth of nearly $600 million, says Business Insider, which  ain't too shabby!  3. 

Gisele Wasn't Interested In Tom At First According to a close source to Gisele, the  model wasn't really into the Patriots quarterback at first. 

When she was shown a photo of Brady, she commented on how he was "cute", but didn't think much  more of him at the moment. 

It's clear that things obviously worked in his favor, and now the two have been happily  married for ten years. 


Gisele Almost Broke Things Off With Tom Brady Considering Gisele went from dating Leo DiCaprio  straight to Tom, it's no surprise that some hidden secrets were happening with Brady. 

The NFL star was still in a relationship with actress Bridget Moynahan when he first met  Gisele, and once he broke things off and began dating Bundchen, it was revealed that his  former girlfriend was pregnant, causing Gisele to come close to calling things off, says  E! News. 


The Family Follows A Strict Diet The family, which includes Tom, Gisele, and  their kids - Vivian, John, and Benjamin - all live a very clean lifestyle!  According to PETA, the family is all vegan and has a personal chef that makes all of  their meals to fit their diet. 

Things don't stop there!  Their chef spoke out regarding their dietary restrictions, claiming that they don't even  eat certain foods that vegans can eat because it might cause inflammation!  6. 

They Always Find Time To Talk To Each Other When Gisele and Tom first began dating in  2006, it appears they have found the time to talk to one another every day since they  first met. 

Communication is key, and according to Access Online, Gisele has mentioned that she and  hubby Tom have spoken every day since they first met in 2006. 

If you liked this video, you might also like the video of Brady’s teammate, Gronk, The  Biggest Party Animal in Football. 

What do you think of the couple?  Should Tom keep playing football or should he dedicate some time to his family?  Drop your thoughts in the comment section. 

Don’t forget to subscribe and thanks for watching!  







The pair were reportedly at odds after Brady decided to come out of retirement and return to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.


An insider shared with People magazine, “She was so happy when he announced his retirement, and she wasn't thrilled at all when he went back on that.”


“Going back to Tampa after the retirement put a strain on the personal side of his life," an insider claimed.


In an interview with Elle, Bündchensaid she felt it was sexist that she was depicted in the media as desperate for him to retire.


She explained, “Obviously, I have my concerns — this is a very violent sport, and I have my children and I would like him to be more present. I have definitely had those conversations with him over and over again. But ultimately, I feel that everybody has to make a decision that works for [them]. He needs to follow his joy, too.”


Gisele has not been seen at any of Tom’s games this season. It has been reported that they are “living separately,” too.

本赛季,吉赛尔没有出现在汤姆的任何一场比赛中。据报道,他们已经 "分居"。



At the time they hired divorce lawyers, Tom and Gisele owned at least four properties: a house at the Yellowstone Resort in Montana, a $3.5 million apartment in New York City, a home in Costa Rica; and the $17 million mansion tin Miami’s Indian Creek Island. 


While Tom and Gisele’s finances are complicated, Newman speculated at the time that custody of their children could be more if an issue.


“It really does seem that [Gisele] has dedicated her life to these children,” Newman said. 


The outlet also disclosed that Tom and Gisele would have joint custody of their children: Benjamin Rein, 12, and Vivian Lake, 9.

该媒体还披露,汤姆和吉赛尔将对他们的孩子拥有共同监护权:12岁的Benjamin Rein和9岁的Vivian Lake。


The quarterback also has one child with ex-Bridget Moynihan: John “Jack” Edward, 15, for whom Gisele acts as stepmom. 

这位四分卫还与前任布里奇特·莫伊尼汉有一个孩子,15岁的约翰 "杰克" 爱德华,吉赛尔是他的继母。

Legal experts told Page Six that they would likely file for divorce in Florida, as that’s where they are primarily based. 




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