


据外媒报道,世界首席“超模”吉赛尔·邦辰(Gisele Bundchen)于美国佛罗里达当地时间本周五(10月28日)正式向法院递交了离婚申请。

邦辰的丈夫、著名橄榄球明星布雷迪(Tom Brady)方面对此表示无异议。随后,二人分别于社交平台上发布长文对此消息进行官宣。




离婚律师Chris Melccher表示在这场离婚事件中彼此都给予了对方一定的体面,以一种模范的方式迅速处理了此事。试想一下,不论是汤姆还是吉赛尔,他们的口碑都是正向的,若打起离婚官司争财产,想必定会影响他们的声誉。




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Playing in the NFL in your 40s, or staying married to your supermodel wife?  It's a tougher call than you might think. 

NFL superstar Tom Brady and Brazilian model Gisele Bündchen were once considered one  of America's premier power couples. 

Since their wedding in 2009, they have welcomed two children: a son, Benjamin, in 2009, and  a daughter, Vivian, in 2012. 

Together, Brady and Bündchen have not only become a media sensation, but also have put  their seemingly perfect family on display. 

However, despite their many years in the spotlight as an impenetrable supercouple, rumors of  a Brady-Bündchen divorce began circulating in August 2022 due to Brady's decision to  "un-retire" from the NFL. 

On September 1st, a source close to the couple told Page Six that the two were in a "fight,"  which followed the football star missing nearly two weeks of training in August. 

In response to this, Brady said of his mysterious absence in a press conference,  "It's all personal. 

Everyone's got different situations they're dealing with. 

We all have really unique challenges to our life. 

I'm 45 years old, man. 

There's a lot of s--t going on."  On October 4, it was reported by People that Bündchen had hired a divorce lawyer. 

Now, it appears the Brady-Bündchen marriage is finally done for good. 

An insider told Us Weekly on October 26,  "Gisele told Tom either he leaves football to spend time with the family or she is gone for good."  On October 28, Brady and Bündchen filed to end their 13-year marriage, and confirmed  the news on their respective Instagram pages. 

Brady wrote,  "We arrived at this decision amicably and with gratitude for the time we spent together. 

We arrive at this decision to end our marriage after much consideration. 

Doing so is, of course, painful and difficult like it is for many people who go through  the same thing every day around the world."  Bündchen also shared,  "The decision to end a marriage is never easy but we have grown apart and while it is, of  course, difficult to go through something like this, I feel blessed for the time we  had together and only wish the best for Tom always."  Prior to their statements, sources told TMZ they planned to officially file for divorce  in Florida — the state in which they have resided since 2020, when Brady joined the  Tampa Bay Buccaneers. 

According to Radar Online, the couple reportedly had a prenuptial agreement in place upon their  marriage in 2009, though its exact details have not been revealed publicly. 

In addition, the outlet reported Bündchen's friends encouraged her to update the agreement  months before the couple split. 

Following Brady and Bündchen's statement, TMZ Sports reported that the supermodel was  the one to file for divorce. 

Bündchen and Brady reportedly came to an agreement on their divorce settlement and  have worked with a mediator to decide on property and custody details. 

The two share multiple properties, including their exclusive Miami Beach home that they  bought for $17 million in 2020, according to People. 

Together, they also bought and sold multiple million-dollar properties, such as the home  they built in Brentwood, California, and then later sold for $40 million. 

Florida is an equitable distribution state, which means Bündchen and Brady will most  likely split their joint assets fairly. 

As for their children, a source told Page Six that they would share joint custody. 

It's unclear if one will have to pay child support to the other, as Bündchen is reportedly  worth $400 million, while Brady has a net worth of $250 million. 

Although they signed a prenup at the time of their marriage in 2009, Bündchen was reportedly  advised to renegotiate their agreement after Brady received his $375 million gig at Fox  Sports, according to Radar Online. 

While it's unknown if the prenup was revised, it's fair to say that both parties will walk  away with plenty of assets. 

While Brady and Bündchen's divorce didn't come as a surprise, many had strong opinions  about the split. 

One Twitter user wrote,  "Both of them are wrong. 

You don't sacrifice a 13 year marriage for 1 season when you are already the best of  all time and you [don't] ask your husband whom you swore for better or worse to [choose]  between you and his lifelong passion."  Many thought that Brady chose the game over his family, like this Twitter user, who posted,  "Imagine sacrificing a 13-year marriage to come back and play mediocre football for one  more season after you've already secured your GOAT status."  Others thought Bündchen's decision was too hasty. 

One pro-Brady fan asked,  "She accepted it for all these years so why not for one more year?  Playing football is like job/work for any football player, so why the ultimatum to either  retire or divorce?"  Despite the many polarizing opinions of the public, it seems as if Bündchen and Brady  have made up their minds and will hopefully end up with an amicable outcome.





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