

Fears of overpopulation and underpopulation are both overblown

Something about global population trends seems to send otherwise sensible people over the edge. According to the United Nations, the planet’s population is due to reach 8bn on November 15th. Alarm bells are clanging. Population pessimists have long predicted mass famine. Now they add prophecies of environmental disaster as a result of too many people. Others worry about the opposite problem: “population collapse due to low birth rates”, tweeted Elon Musk, the self-proclaimed “chief Twit”, “is a much bigger risk to civilisation than global warming.” In fact, looking at population change during the past decade suggests neither of these mutually contradictory divinations of doom will prove correct.
  • otherwise 否则;在其他方面
  • sensible 明智的;而sensitive是敏感的
  • send sb over the edge 使某人抓狂
  • be due to 应该,预期,预计。再比如:When's the baby due? 宝宝什么时候出世?Rose is due to start school in January. 罗斯一月份就要开始上学了。
  • alarm bell 警钟
  • clang 响起
  • pessimist 悲观主义者;而optimist是乐观主义者。
  • mass famine 大饥荒
  • prophecy 预言
  • self-proclaimed 自封的
  • mutually contradictory 相互矛盾的
  • divination 预言
  • doom 厄运


有关全球人口趋势的一些情况似乎使在其他方面颇为明理的人发狂。根据联合国的数据,地球上的人口将在11月15日达到80亿。警钟在敲响。人口悲观主义者早就预言了大规模饥荒。现在,他们又预言,由于人口太多,会出现环境灾难。其他人则担心相反的问题:"低出生率导致的人口崩溃",自称是 "首席推手 "的埃隆·马斯克在推特上说,"对文明的风险比全球变暖大得多"。事实上,从过去十年的人口变化来看,这些相互矛盾的厄运预言都不会被证明是正确的。

It took a dozen years (from 1998 to 2010) for the global population to grow from 6bn to 7bn. It has taken the same length of time to notch up the next billion. Against the backdrop of catastrophising, it is worth recalling what is behind this growth: longer lives, improvements in nutrition and public health; falls in infant mortality, disease and maternal deaths in childbirth. The world’s population carried on growing even in the teeth of the covid-19 pandemic, despite the virus killing—according to The Economist’s best estimates—between 16m and 28m people. That would represent as much as a fifth of all deaths over the period.


  • 1 length of time 时长
  • 2 notch up 达到;赢得
  • 3 backdrop 背景
  • 4 catastrophise 小题大做,杞人忧天
  • 5 mortality 死亡率
  • 6 maternal 母亲的;maternity leave 产假
  • 7 carry on 继续=continue
  • 8 in the teeth of……  尽管遇到(困难、反对等)比如:The new policy was adopted in the teeth of fierce criticism.新政策尽管受到强烈的批评,但还是被采用了。



Not much evidence, then, of a global demographic collapse. Nor is one coming soon. On current trends, the global population will reach 9bn in 2037 and peak at 10.4bn sometime between 2080 and 2100.

The spectre of overpopulation looks equally unthreatening. Even though the extra-billion milestones are passing with the same regularity, the global population growth rate is falling fast. In 1963 total population rose by 2.3%. In 2022 it grew by just 0.8%, the lowest rate since the 1950s.


  • demographic 人口方面的;名词是demography

  • on current trends 依照当下趋势

  • peak at... 达到峰值……

  • spectre 鬼怪;恐惧;忧虑

  • equally unthreatening 没有任何威胁的

  • milestone 里程碑

  • regularity 常规;定期




How can growth be falling while the population rises steadily? The answer is that inertia and momentum matter hugely. The 1990s and 2000s were both decades of relatively fast population growth. The children born then are now reaching their child-bearing years. The number of adults aged between 18 and 49 was 2.2bn in 1987. It is 3.6bn now. But this bumper crop of potential parents seems to be choosing to have smaller families. The total fertility rate, which measures how many children a woman can expect to have in her lifetime, has plunged from 3.3 in 1990 to 2.3 now, only slightly above the “replacement rate”—at which the population stays constant—of about 2.1. Though the population continues to rise, the increase hardly seems uncontrolled.


1 inertia 惰性;迟钝
2 momentum 推进力;动力;势头 
3 child-bearing 抚养孩子的
4 bumper 异常大的;丰盛的;保险杠
5 fertility  可生育性;可繁殖性;肥沃。形容词是fertile;名词fertilizer是指肥料。
6 plunge 暴跌;骤降
7 stay constant


在人口稳步上升的同时,增长怎么可能下降?答案是,惯性和动力是非常重要的。1990年代和2000年代都是人口增长较快的几十年。那时候出生的孩子现在已经到了育龄期。1987年,18至49岁的成年人数量为22亿。现在是36亿人。但是这批潜在父母的大丰收似乎是选择了小家庭。总生育率(衡量一个妇女在她的一生中能有多少个孩子)已经从1990年的3.3骤降到现在的2.3,仅略高于 "更替率"--即人口保持恒定的2.1左右。尽管人口继续增长,但增长似乎没有得到控制。






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