


普赖斯先生: 我昨天说过这一点,美国和全世界其他国家一道希望看到中华人民共和国战胜这次疫情,控制住新冠。当然,之所以如此是因为我们不希望在任何地方看到死亡或疾病的扩散。我们也知道,不管任何时候,当病毒在任何地方以不受控的方式广泛传播时,可能——病毒就有可能出现变异株。我们已经亲眼看到发生了变异,并且变异株已经在世界各地传播所导致的代价。第三,我们也表明在中国发生的事情的确会影响全球经济。中华人民共和国有能力控制住这次的疫情不仅对于中华人民共和国重要,对于国际社会经济复苏的继续也是重要的。

At the December 20 Department of State Press Briefing, Spokesperson Ned Price comments included the following excerpted points related to China…
QUESTION: Back to Asia. COVID in China. You mentioned yesterday that there was – there are concerns for the global economy, in terms of what’s happening in China. There are reports from many of our news outlets, but crematoriums having huge caseloads of dead people. Is there anything you can further about how the U.S. assesses the COVID situation in China? Is there anything potentially that the United States could or is willing to do on that regard?
MR PRICE: I made the point yesterday that the United States joins the rest of the world in hoping to see the PRC defeat this outbreak and to get COVID under control. That, of course, is the case because we don’t want to see death or disease spread anywhere. We also know that whenever the virus is spreading anywhere widely in an uncontrolled fashion, the potential – it has the potential for variants to emerge. We’ve already seen firsthand the cost of variants that have mutated and that have spread around the world. But third, we also note that what happens in China does have implications for the global economy. And it’s important not only for the PRC but also for the continued economic recovery of the international community that the PRC is in a position to get this outbreak under control.
We believe in doing so it’s important that all countries – and this includes the PRC – it’s important that all countries focus on getting people vaccinated and making testing and treatment easily available. We’ve said this many times publicly, but the U.S. is the largest donor of COVID-19 vaccines around the world. We are prepared to continue to support people around the world, including in China, with this and other COVID-related health support. This is in the interests of the international community that we all collectively do everything we can to help China get this under control.
QUESTION: Can I just – the last point, you’re saying that the U.S. of course is the largest donor on COVID supplies. Is this basically an offer of vaccines to China? Has it actually been formally discussed with the PRC?
MR PRICE: Look, I’m not going to go into private discussions, but we’ve made the point many times publicly that we are the largest donor of COVID-19 vaccines around the world. We’re prepared to continue to support countries around the world, including China, on this and other COVID-related health support. This is profoundly in the interests of the rest of the world. Our COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, and we’ve provided them to countries around the world regardless or in spite of any political disagreements. For us, this is not about politics; it’s not about geopolitics. It is about saving lives, saving livelihoods.
For full transcripts of this press briefing:


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