布林肯国务卿在新闻发布会上, 2022年12月22日

布林肯国务卿在新闻发布会上, 2022年12月22日









Secretary Blinken at a Press Availability, December 22, 2022

At the December 22 press availability, Secretary Blinken responded to a question about the COVID outbreak in China. 

QUESTION:  Thank you, Ned.  Hello, Mr. Secretary.  I just want to go to China.  So at the moment, there is an uncontrolled COVID outbreak there since the reversal of their “Zero COVID” policy, and many countries, including the United States, have expressed concern over it and they said they could help.  I just want to zero in on that.  Has the United States in recent weeks or since the reversal of policy offered China to provide them with vaccines?  What was their response?  And since the authorities there have changed the criteria to calculate COVID deaths, how accurate do you find China’s official figures on casualties?  Thanks. 

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  First, let me say this.  We want to see China get this outbreak under control for three reasons.  First, we don’t want to see people anywhere suffering from COVID.  Whether it’s illness, whether it’s death, we want to see that come to an end wherever it’s happening, including in China. 

Second, any time the virus is spreading or is moving around, there is the possibility that a new variant develops, that variant spreads even further, and it comes and hits us or hits other countries around the world.  So we have a clear interest in that. 

And then, as we’ve seen, there are clear implications for the global economy with China being shut down because of COVID. 

So on all of those levels – a basic humanitarian level, the concern for everyone’s health, as well as for the global economy – it’s profoundly in our interest that China do what’s necessary to get ahead of this.  At the same time, it’s also very important for all countries, including China, to focus on people getting vaccinated, making testing and treatment available, and, importantly, sharing information with the world about what they’re experiencing – again, because it has implications not just for China but for the entire world.  So we would like to see that happening. 

We’re the largest donor of vaccines, as you know.  We’re prepared to continue to support people around the world, including in China, with this and with other COVID-related health support.  China has not asked to date for that help, but, again, we’re fully prepared to provide assistance to anyone who asks for it if they think it’s useful.


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