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“Promoting women’s economic security is the right thing to do, but it’s also the smart and necessary thing to do.” Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken 

On January 4, 2023, Secretary Blinken, White House Gender Policy Council Director Jennifer Klein, and USAID Administrator Samantha Power launched the U.S. Strategy on Global Women’s Economic Security. This strategy aims to support women and girls around the world to fully, meaningfully, and equally contribute to and benefit from economic growth and global prosperity. 

Secretary Blinken said on Twitter, "Today’s release of the Women’s Economic Security Strategy marks a milestone for our nation's foreign policy. We are committed to seeing to it that women and girls in all their diversity can equally contribute to and benefit from economic growth." 

Below are the excerpts from Secretary Blinken's remarks at the Launch of the U.S. Strategy on Global Women’s Economic Security. 



The strategy that we’re putting forward has at its heart a simple vision: creating a world in which all women and girls everywhere can contribute to and benefit from economic growth and global prosperity.  That’s a world in which we will all be better off.


The strategy focuses on breaking down some of the barriers that stand in the way of women to full economic participation.


The strategy that we put in place is focused on supporting women and girls in all of their diversity, including the women who most often face the greatest and highest barriers, such as those from marginalized backgrounds, from religious minorities, those with disabilities, LGBTQI+ persons.


Let me just spend a few minutes addressing in a little bit more detail the four key lines of effort that are at the heart of this strategy. 

First, we will advance women’s economic competitiveness so that more women can fully participate and lead in all sectors, in all industries – including as CEOs and board members.  One way we’re helping to do that is through programs like WE-Champs, which will provide technical assistance and training to women’s chambers of commerce and business associations in 18 countries across Europe to support women-owned small businesses.  That’s one practical example of how we will bring that first pillar of the strategy to life. 

Second, we will strengthen the foundational support – child care, elder care – that allows women to participate equitably in the economy.  As you know, as you’ve heard again this morning, COVID-19 forced millions of women around the world to withdraw from the workforce to take on caregiving responsibilities for their families.  So we will expand access to options so that caregivers, most of whom are women, can actually return to work.  [...]

Third, we will promote women’s entrepreneurship by addressing some of the challenges that too often hold women back, including a lack of membership – of mentorship, excuse me, and training opportunities.  We’re working to both create and also, as appropriate, replicate efforts like the U.S.-India Alliance for Women’s Economic Empowerment.  That connects the private sector and civil society to provide Indian women with technical skills and networking opportunities to help them grow their businesses. [...]

Finally, we will work with partners to help dismantle some of the societal, legal, and regulatory barriers that stand in the way of having a level playing field, like laws that make it more challenging for women to work in certain roles, limiting their career progression.


Full remarks:


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