Npj Comput. Mater.: 低温晶界迁移—经典模型
来自美国杨百翰大学机械工程系的Eric. R. Homer等,重提了一个被遗忘的经典模型,可以解释境界迁移中的阿伦尼乌斯和非阿伦尼乌斯观测。通过对模型的分析,作者发现传统模型是该经典模型的简化,但其简化假设并不总是能得到满足。该经典模型对一些已有的、无法用传统模型解释的观察结果也做出了合理的解释。作者指出,非阿伦尼乌斯行为可以在热激活过程中出现。当过程的本征势垒能量变小时,非阿伦尼乌斯行就会发生,从而允许低温下的激活。额外的热能允许低能量过程反向进行,因而增加温度只会阻碍向前运动。这种低本征势垒过程属于欠阻尼动力学而非传统模型的过阻尼动力学。该研究解释了晶体材料中晶界迁移的非阿伦尼乌斯行为,为低温下实现晶界工程提供了关键见解。
该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 8:157(2022),英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。
A classical equation that accounts for observations of non-Arrhenius and cryogenic grain boundary migration
Eric R. Homer, Oliver K. Johnson, Darcey Britton, James E. Patterson, Eric T. Sevy & Gregory B. Thompson
Observations of microstructural coarsening at cryogenic temperatures, as well as numerous simulations of grain boundary motion that show faster migration at low temperature than at high temperature, have been troubling because they do not follow the expected Arrhenius behavior. This work demonstrates that classical equations, that are not simplified, account for all these oddities and demonstrate that non-Arrhenius behavior can emerge from thermally activated processes. According to this classical model, this occurs when the intrinsic barrier energies of the processes become small, allowing activation at cryogenic temperatures. Additional thermal energy then allows the low energy process to proceed in reverse, so increasing temperature only serves to frustrate the forward motion. This classical form is shown to reconcile and describe a variety of diverse grain boundary migration observations.