


香港大学中国商业学院(HKU ICB),在2023年全球重新链接的时刻,开启新篇章。

十二年的光阴虽然短暂,但对我们每一个人而言,每迈出的一小步,都在努力展现ICB的独特基因:创新管理折射人文情怀,专业教育渗透跨界思维。管理的本质是人,教育的内核是心。我们鼓励主动的学习和思想的碰撞; 对他者的包容和对自我的内省。勇于创新、独立思考、全球视野、诚信至上、社会影响,是我们的理念,也是我们的期许和追求。


十二年之后,我们终于踏上了「新征程」。「十二」这个数字在中国文化中有循环之意,是一个总结,更是新纪元的开始。头一个十二年谢幕之际,盘点以往的收获,绝不是一个简单的数字可以呈现。20多个在职专业和高管研究生文凭课程,18,000多名校友分布各行各业。他们的战略思维、专业知识和国际视野,在中国重塑全球经济和秩序的进程中不可或缺。以「专业深度 知识广度 未来高度」为人才培养的方向,是我们的目标,也是对自己的鞭策。

我们独辟蹊径,以「专业、前瞻、实战、实用」为目标,推动跨学科专业教育。但我们并不标新立异,推出的课程瞄准中国发展的趋势与需求,以此为出发点,在不经意中屡屡成为众多跨学科专业课程的引领者。今时今日,不同学科的融合不仅是趋势,更是所有终身学习者在更新知识的旅程中不可漠视。攀登之路虽然艰难与崎岖,但你我一同踏踏实实铺建迈向山巅之路,因为我们都同样渴望寻觅广阔无垠的 「新视野」。





Striding with us into the future


HKU Institute for China Business (HKU ICB) will turn a new page in 2023 as our world begins to reopen and reconnect in full. 


Twelve years have flown past, yet each small step we take has come to demonstrate the unique ethos of ICB: innovative management in reflection of humanistic sentiment and professional education that permeates cross-border thinking.  The essence of management is people, and at the core of education lies the heart.  We at HKU ICB are proponents of active learning and the collision of ideas, inclusion of all and introspection into ourselves.  Innovation, Independence, International, Integrity, and Impact are what we strive for and our core values.


In light of the "new global landscape" in the post-COVID era, the globalisation that dominated the post-Cold War era is gradually giving way to a new world landscape shaped by geopolitics.  Competition, indeed vicious competition, is inevitable in the future; innovation is always the best breakout strategy in uncertain times.  Come what may, what remains unchanged is your and my non-stop curiosity, thinking and learning about the world.  Only through this can we find opportunities for national and personal development.  In an era of change, "Think Global" (global thinking) and "Act Local" (Chinese wisdom) are indispensable to our ability to tackle unprecedented challenges.


Twelve years after the establishment, we have finally embarked on a "new journey".  Twelve is a number that connotes a "cycle" in Chinese culture, a conclusion and the beginning of a new era.  As the first twelve years come to an end, rather than just a simple number, taking stock of what has been achieved is crucial.  We have 20+ part-time professional and senior executive postgraduate diploma programmes, with over 18,000 alumni spreading over various industries.  Their strategic thinking, expertise and international perspective are indispensable in China's efforts to reshape the global economy and order.  It is always our goal and spur to cultivate more talents with professional perspectives and knowledge horizons to scale greater heights in the future. 


We have taken a unique approach to promoting interdisciplinary professional education with the characteristics of being "Professional, Prospective, Practical and Problem-solving".  We do not start on something new and different but offer programmes and courses zeroing in on the trends and needs of China's development.  And with this as our starting point, we have thereby become the leader of many interdisciplinary professional programmes and courses.  Nowadays, the integration of different disciplines is a trend and something that all lifelong learners cannot ignore in their journey to update their knowledge.  The road to new heights may be difficult and rugged, but together we shall pave it, as we come to identify a "new vision" and a new start.


"New landscape", "new journey", and "new vision" shall lead us to a "new page".  Standing at the precipice of change, we take on a new mission.  Based in China but with a global perspective, HKU ICB, inheriting the spirit of the University of Hong Kong and continuing the vision of its founding, is in the pipeline to offer PPES (Philosophy, Politics, Economics and Science) global fellowship programmes on top of the current part-time professional and senior executive postgraduate diploma programmes.  We have stuck to our core principles yet elevated them to new heights.  We will continue upholding the tradition of openness, breaking the barriers of thought, overcoming bottlenecks in innovation, bringing together renowned teachers and industry elites, and striving to become the pioneer and innovator of interdisciplinary professional education.


Let's work together to find a window to the future through learning in an uncertain era and to become real leaders to China and the world of tomorrow.


December 30, 2022


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