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Pursuing a PhD, MS, or BS in computer science, computer engineering, or other closely related field
C++ development experience, Python experience, or a mixture of the two
Ability to quickly pivot to new approaches, techniques, and implementations
Experience with data at scale (GB+) or experience with processing streaming data
Drive for solving complex engineering challenges with efficiency as a priority
Ability to work as part of a distributed engineering team
Pursuing a degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Data Visualization or related field
Examples of data visualization and analytics work spanning an ETL-to-Viz pipeline
Experience with modern web frameworks, stacks, and standards, ideally in both Javascript and Python (NodeJS, React, D3, Plotly, Bokeh, etc.)
Ability to develop, document, and deploy web services and APIs
Good understanding of data structures, algorithms, and hardware memory
Highly motivated and able to work successfully with multi-functional teams, and coordinate effectively across organizational boundaries and geographies
Strong communication and interpersonal skills are required along with the ability to work in a dynamic, product oriented team.
Eagerness to investigate challenges and present reasonable solutions reliably and quickly
Excitement to pick up a new language and be productive with it in a week
Desire to work collaboratively in a team environment
BA/BS Graduation Year: 2023 OR 2024 (No Masters/PhD)
Completed coursework in or have an understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms