艺览天下 | 音乐家何姿仪为你带来古典乐平易近人的美

艺览天下 | 音乐家何姿仪为你带来古典乐平易近人的美




# 2023



#01 BARTV 2023

- Description -



古典音乐大师何姿仪的专访即是我们将此音乐风格置于超现代的背景下的切入。何老师在麻州波士顿的日常生活也是我们重识古典音乐的入口---- 超市和教室皆是领会与了解古典音乐的场所。

The episode features an interview with classical music maestro Inés Ho and contextualizes the genre in an ultra-modern backdrop. Inés’ quotidian life in Boston, Massachusetts becomes our re-entry into classical music, where the supermarket is as much of a vantage point as a classroom is.

#02 BARTV 2023

- Classical Music Declassified with Inés Ho -




古典音乐大师何姿仪的专访即是我们将此音乐风格置于超现代的背景下的切入。何老师在麻州波士顿的日常生活也是我们重识古典音乐的入口---- 超市和教室皆是领会与了解古典音乐的场所。

Much of the music we listen to today is rooted in classical music. The genre’s historical nature developed as a double-edged sword where the public regards the genre as the music of a bygone era or an exclusive pursuit. 

The episode, Classical Music Declassified, features an interview with classical music maestro Inés Ho and contextualizes the genre in an ultra-modern backdrop. Inés’ quotidian life in Boston, Massachusetts becomes our re-entry into classical music, where the supermarket is as much of a vantage point as a classroom is.



We invite the viewers to let go of any preconceptions about the genre and relish in the succession of human emotions embodied in each soundtrack of Inés’ internal world as a classically trained musician, a businesswoman and an educator. 

For Inés, classical music is free from differences in demographics, cultural backgrounds, or socioeconomic standings. Ultimately, classical music is manifested from the shared experience of love in every human’s personal stories. In the words of poet Heinrich Heine, "when words leave off, music begins." We hope you enjoy the show. 

#03 BARTV 2023

- Interviewee -


何姿仪出生于台湾桃园,现任台湾文创协会理事长。15岁开始学习单簧管,18岁考上法国国立布隆尼音乐院就读布隆尼期间师事 Jean Max Dussert,专攻DEM(superieur) 等级。在校其间参与数十场管弦乐团和室内乐演出,并在巴黎各大音乐厅Théatre du Châtelet, Bibliotheque de Boulogne-Billancourt等巡演。

Born in Taoyuan, Taiwan, Ho is the chairperson of the TCCA Taiwan Cultural & Creative Association. At the age of 15, she began to learn clarinet and was admitted to the Conservatoire National Regional de Boulogne-Billancourt when she was 18. During her time at Boulogne-Billancourt, she studied under the tutelage of Jean Max Dussert, specializing in the DEM(superieur) class. Ho Participated in numerous orchestra and chamber music performances during her studies, and performed in major concert halls in Paris, such as Théatre du Châtelet, Bibliotheque de Boulogne-Billancourt and so on.

2009年取得布隆尼音乐院室内乐演奏硕士文凭第一奖评审一致通过。2010年考进玛尔梅松音乐院演奏家文凭等级superieur等级,师事法国名单簧管演奏家Claire Vergnory并同年受邀至法国巴洛克音乐节担任开幕及闭幕独奏演出。在2011年拿到布隆尼音乐院单簧管第一奖加评审一致通过,同年5月在普罗旺斯省举行两场史特拉文斯基系列音乐会。2015年在台湾公开巡演,并在中山堂及各县市文化演艺厅巡演数场音乐会。2016年在全球三千位音乐家李获大提琴家马友友先生挑选为 YMCG交响乐团单簧管首席,同年进行亚洲巡回演出。何老师致力于古典音乐的普及和推行。

In 2009, she was unanimously awarded the first Prize of the Diploma of Master of Chamber Music. In 2010, Ho became the apprentice of the distinguished clarinetist Claire Vergnory as she was accepted by the superieur level at Conservatoire National Regional de Rueil-malmaison. At the same time, Ho was invited to perform at the French Baroque Music Festival as the opening and closing solo performance. In 2011, Ho won the first prize for clarinet of Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Boulogne-Billancourt and passed the jury unanimously, In the same year, she heldd two Stravinsky concerts in Provence, France in May. In 2015, Ho toured in Taiwan, and performed at Zhongshan Hall as well as across various counties and city cultural performing arts halls. In 2016, Ho was selected as chief clarinet of YMCG Symphony Orchestra by cellist Yo-Yo Ma out of 3,000 musicians around the world, where she then toured with Ma.

#04 BARTV 2023

- 联系方式 -

[email protected]



A personal look at the behind-the-scenes of the creative industry with the host. The bilingual series features guests from the visual and performing arts, music, film, arts administrators, collectors and policy makers. 

The channel is a two-way portal that promotes cultural exchanges between the Asian and global communities, as well as between creators and audiences at large.

Lulu Fong 的职业生涯核心是善用她在东西方的个人经验不断推广艺术独特的能力。 

2020年毕业于哥伦比亚大学艺术管理研究生,她曾为著名的国际画廊、豪瑟沃斯(纽约)、里森画廊(上海)和Miguel Abreu画廊(纽约)工作。



At the core of Lulu Fong’s career is a unique ability to utilize her personal transatlantic experiences in her continuous promotion of the arts. 

Fong received her M.A. in Arts Administration from Columbia University in 2020 and worked extensively for leading international galleries Hauser & Wirth (New York), Lisson Gallery (Shanghai) and Miguel Abreu Gallery (New York). 

With her academic training and professional experience unfolding at the heart of the art industry, Lulu Fong offers a particular standpoint that is needed to bridge gaps of Asian representation in both the creatives side and the audience of arts.


The End


编辑:Xiangning Liu


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