



美国最高法院于当地时间2022624日作出决定,推翻具有里程碑意义的“罗诉韦德案”Roe v. Wade,一项1973年堕胎合法化的裁决。尽管专家对这一结果已有预料,最终的裁决仍震动了全美乃至全球。
美国加州大学旧金山分校University of California, San Francisco的妇产科与生殖科学教授黛安娜·格林·福斯特Diana Greene Foster说:“这一决定的冷酷也令人唏嘘:宪法竟不保护人们关于像生育这样基本的事情做出决定的权利,而这些决定对他们的健康和养活自己和孩子的能力会产生巨大的影响。”
福斯特领导了Turnaway研究,这是一项纵向研究,对近1000名寻求堕胎的妇女进行了调查,这些妇女要么成功堕胎,要么因为刚刚超过妊娠截止日期而被“拒之门外”turned away
推翻“罗诉韦德案”的另一个影响是,将会有更少的医疗从业人员接受堕胎培训。在20224月发表在《妇产科》Obstetrics & Gynecology杂志上的一篇论文中,研究人员发现,如果最高法院否决“罗诉韦德案”,大约45%的妇产科住院医师项目所在的州肯定或可能禁止堕胎,这意味着类似比例的妇产科医生将无法接受[查看全文]

The Harmful Effects of Overturning Roe v. Wade

Tanya Lewis: This is Scientific American’s 60-Second Science. I'm Tanya Lewis.

On Monday a Supreme Court draft opinion was leaked, causing shockwaves. The opinion—if it’s officially adopted—will overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 ruling that guarantees the right to an abortion. Even though experts were expecting this outcome, the leaked opinion still came as something of a surprise.

Diana Greene Foster: The callousness of the decision is kind of shocking, too..., the idea that the Constitution doesn’t protect people’s decision-making around something so fundamental as childbearing, when it has such huge impacts on their health and their ability to support themselves and their children.

Lewis: That’s Diana Greene Foster, a professor of obstetricsgynecology and reproductive sciences at the University of California, San Francisco. She led the Turnaway Study, a longitudinal study of nearly 1,000 women seeking abortions who either got them or were “turned away” because they were just past the gestational cutoff.

Contrary to what some antiabortion activists say, getting an abortion did not harm women. In fact, women who were unable to access abortions were the ones who saw negative impacts, the study found.

Foster: What we see is very large health burdens, greater health risks for people who carry pregnancies to term. That's consistent with the medical literature. We see greater complications from childbirth than from abortion, and in fact, two women died after giving birth.

Lewis: But the impacts were not limited to health. Being denied an abortion also had long-lasting negative effects on families’ finances.

Foster:  After one group gave birth, the people who received abortions and were denied abortions there, you can see in their credit records, you can see in their public financial records, that one group experienced greater bankruptcies, evictions, greater debt than other people who received their wanted abortion.

Lewis: Not being able to access an abortion and being forced to carry a pregnancy to term resulted in worse outcomes for these women. I should note that the Turnaway Study specifically involved women, but of course not all people who get pregnant or seek abortions are women.

And it’s not as though people who get abortions are fundamentally different from those who want kids. In fact, many of the women who sought abortions later had children when they were ready, and those children fared better and were more secure, Foster and her colleagues found.

Foster: When they go on and get an abortion and they go on and have a baby, we see those babies do better than children born because their mom was denied an abortion in terms of the mom’s emotional bond with the child, the kids’ economic well-being—the chance that they live in a house with just enough money to pay for food and health.

Lewis: If the draft opinion becomes official, it will immediately open the door for states to pass laws to restrict or ban abortion outright. And in fact, 13 states already have so-called trigger laws that will take effect as soon as Roe is struck down. To get an abortion, pregnant people in these states will then have to travel out of state if they can afford to do so—or they will not be able to one.

And the consequences for those who can’t get the care they want will be serious.

Foster: For people who are unable to get their abortion because the Supreme Court just lets states ban abortions, we’re going to see worse physical health, greater economic hardship, lower achievement of aspirational plans, kids raised in more precarious economic circumstances, and people’s lives upended.

Lewis: Another effect of overturning Roe is that fewer medical providers will be trained in providing abortions. In a study published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology in April, researchers found that about 45% of ob-gyn residency programs are in states that are certain or likely to ban abortion if the Supreme Court strikes down Roe. This means a similar percentage of ob-gyn residents wouldn’t be able to...[full transcript]




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