为什么只有Wharton用群面?AO说怎么准备最好?| 申请建议
上周六Wharton MBA发了第二轮申请的面试通知,BeBeyond学员收到面试后都积极地准备了起来。
Wharton面试Team Based Discussion (TBD) 和很多学校的面试不同,可以被简单地理解为“群面”,其中最主要的部分是35分钟的团队讨论。团队讨论的主题每年都会变化,但是不管怎么改变都会遵循相同的思路,就是通过创造或更新一个学校项目来帮助Wharton建立一个更紧密连接、更多元开放、更有创造力的社区。
今年已经公布的题目是 to design a new Global Immersion Program (GIP)。
Purpose of the Team Based Discussion
The Team Based Discussion (TBD) is meant to model the highly collaborative nature of the Wharton MBA environment in order to identify characteristics (communication style, level of engagement, leadership skills, decision-making process, etc.) that we believe contribute to the success of a Wharton student. This is an opportunity for you to express who you are as an individual and as a member of a functioning team.
在这段话中,真正的核心词只有一个:collaborative。“the highly collaborative nature” 的学校文化在TBD的运用体现为在团队讨论中候选人如何帮助团队创造出更好的结果,不因为展现个体而影响团队的产出。TBD中对候选人的评判不是个体的强弱和风格(比如强势或温和),而是个体对团队产出的contribution。是否有contribution是判断TBD中表现好坏的唯一标准。
为了更直观地理解collaborative和contribution对做好TBD的重要性,我们一起来看看2022年8月Wharton YouTube官方账号下播放的“Wharton MBA Application Tips 2022”。前Associate Director of Admissions, Jake Kohler(现Director of the Moelis Advance Access Program)非常详细地介绍了TBD。点击“阅读原文”可以获得链接。
TBD is a leaderless group exercise that we conduct as part of our interview process.
leaderless这个词很有意思,正好和collaborative呼应。这种无领导的小组练习需要领导吗?需要!但可能是a collaborative leader,或者至少不是an aggressive leader。
什么是collaborative leadership?Jake进一步解释
“We will tell you (that) you're never competing against the other people in your team-based discussion group. There's actually a high likelihood that those who are interviewing together when they're the most more collaborative as a team they can all be admitted into the program. So, you're not competing. You're all supporting one another in your endeavor towards that (goal).”
when we think about the application itself and all the materials that you submit, there's basically three questions that our team is trying to learn about you…
Wharton: What we are looking for?
如果说AO利用申请资料来判断申请人对Wharton Community的贡献是什么和有多大,那么TBD就是AO用来判断候选人在Wharton classroom的贡献是什么和有多大。
Being collaborative是保证classroom discussion(团队讨论)有效产出的手段,但不是目的。Being able to make contributio才是检验个人能力的指标。因此,准备TBD的最佳策略是用collaborative的方式最大限度地提高自己对团队产出的contribution。
Wharton YouTube官方账号下播放的“Wharton MBA Application Tips 2022” 截图
Being collaborative的关键是(1)始终记住团队讨论的目的是有效产出,不是谁对谁错;(2)眼里有别人,具体地讲就是聆听别人的发言(不要一直想我应该说什么或表现什么)、反馈别人的话(无论是肯定别人还是延展别人的想法都很重要)、关注到发言少或被忽略的人(每个人的想法都值得被关注)。
Being able to make contribution的关键是找到自己最能发挥作用的角色。你可以是讨论规则的制定者,也可以是流程和时间的记录者,又或者是观点的输出者,也可能是最终结论的表述者。每个角色都是好角色,因为都可以为团队产生做出有效的贡献;每个角色也可能是坏角色,因为如果你选错了角色,在自己不擅长的方面使劲,很容易弄巧成拙。
准备的过程需要相当数量的练习,在此做个广告 —— BeBeyond有专门针对Wharton TBD的辅导服务,完全还原TBD面试现场情况,让你有一个充足的练习,并获得专业的面试辅导。