2月份是“美国心脏月"(American Heart Month),俄州亚裔联盟AACO诚邀到本地资深心脏专家Dr. Lam在28号东岸晚上7⃣️点为社区大众在线分享相关专业保健知识,扫下图二维码注册。(或点击文末“阅读原文”链接)
Do you know that February is American Heart Month? Welcome to a heart health seminar on 2/28 at 7 pm on zoom. Please get the meeting link and submit your questions to Dr. Lam at address below.
People around me, in their 40s and 50s, suddenly passed away due to heart condition,we want everyone to know how to react when it happens.
Join this webinar with special guest Dr. Gregory Lam, a cardiologist at Ohio Health and VP of Ohio Asian American Health Coalition. Learn about heart health and how to react during heart emergencies.
另外,美国知名药房CVS Health和Go Red for Women运动合作,为18岁及以上的人群提供免费的心脏及健康检查。不需要有医保或保险,一切免费。