百度创始人李彦宏在发布会上也承认所使用的演示画面是事先录制的,他的理由是“节省时间”,但根据文心一言的真实表现,估计用录播的原因是为了防翻车… 所以扭腰时报用的这个大标题也挺不客气: China's Answer to ChatGPT Gets an Artificial Debut and Disappoints(中国的开发的 ChatGPT 竞品进行了一场虚假首秀,其表现令人失望。) 顺便说一下这句话里的几个关键语言点: 1. answer 这里不是“答案”,而是(地位、作用)对等物,相当于 equivalent,China's Answer to ChatGPT 即“中国开发的 ChatGPT的竞品”。 2. artificial debut artificial 这里不表示“人造的”,而是“虚假的”,因为百度之前承诺所有演示都是“live”(现场直播),但最后却用了录播。 debut:来自法语,故发音跟拼写不一致,念成 /ˈdebjuː/,表示“首次登台亮相”,即“首秀”。 3. disappoint 这里是不及物动词的用法,表示“令人失望”,例如:His latest novel does not disappoint.(他最近发表的这部小说没有使人失望。) 拉回来,再说说本文的标题——为啥百度做不出 ChatGPT,其实这也是扭腰时报讨论的核心话题。 文章的最后两端触及了这个问题的核心,借两位中国问题研究学者之口,道出了其中的原因: “Ch*na is incredibly good at scaling an existing invention, but it is not very good at making breakthroughs," said Huang Yasheng, a professor of management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The country, he argued, lacks the diversity of thought and free expression of ideas that help nurture out-of-the-box thinking” Xu Chenggang, a senior research scholar at the Stanford Center on Ch*na's Economy and Institutions, had a harsher assessment of Beijing's efforts to build a better bot. Ch*na's chatbots "cannot approach the level of ChatGPT," Mr. Xu said, because Ch*na's strict censorship rules could undermine the quality of data and hamstring the development of chatbots. 这两点原因很扎心,不方便翻译,懂的都懂,咱就不多做评价了。 文章最后也引用了科技部部长的“足球比喻”,算是表达了政府态度: "Playing football involves dribbling and shooting, but it's not easy to be as good as Messi," he said, referring to the superstar footballer Lionel Messi. "Our country has also made a lot of arrangements and conducted research in this field for many years and has achieved some results. However, it may still take some time to achieve the same level of performance as OpenAI. 他说,“踢足球都是盘带、射门,但是要做到梅西那么好也不容易,”他还补充道,“我国在这方面也作了很多安排,在该领域的研究也进行了很多年,并且有一些成果,但目前要达到像 OpenAI 的效果可能还要一段时间。” 可以说,这番认知算得上是人间清醒了,接受客观现实,正视问题,虚心学习,不断缩小差距,才是我们应该有的态度。 最后,为我国的A.I.加油! PS:《纽约时报》这篇文章的全文精讲收录在“侃哥外刊精讲·最新季·第18课”,点击文末左下角“阅读原文”或下图扫码进入侃哥知识店铺购买。 侃哥外刊精讲·第13季第19课预约↓↓↓