明日之光First Step团队参与Great Strike募捐活动

明日之光First Step团队参与Great Strike募捐活动


2020年11月,美中下一代基金会明日之光公益奖平台正式成立并得到华人社区的积极响应。平台的职责之一是传播各个团队的事迹和经验,共大家学习,交流和参考。这篇文章是First Step 团队的胡慕雪同学 写的,关于她帮助教堂分发食物的体验。希望她的经历可以给想服务社区的孩子和家长一些启发。同时也希望其他团队的队员们踊跃将自己的经历写下来,互相交流,互相促进。

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  First Step: Great Strides | Cystic Fibrosis Foundation  

Claire Jing 景若瑶 (Rising 10th Grader at Northview High School)

2022年5月21日,First Step组织参加了在Suwanee镇中心举行的亚特兰大2022年Great Strides Walk。First Step的创始人Annie Lin和她的家人与多年的老朋友Lin Butler(她的儿子很不幸的患有这种疾病)带领着亚特兰大历史最悠久的CFF 5K团队”Colin’s Commandos”,很荣幸地带头开走了5K步行活动。First Step团队共有19位成员和14位家长完成了此次活动,活动至今已经筹集了450美元(金额还在增加中)。每个参与成员步行5K,沿途还有很多志愿者发冰镇水并为参与者鼓励和加油。

On May 21, 2022, the First Step organization participated in Atlanta’s Great Strides Walk of 2022, held at Suwanee Town Center. First Step’s founder, Annie Lin, and her family’s longtime friend, Lin Butler (Her son was unfortunately diagnosed with CF), led the team with the lengthiest history and had the honor of leading the walk. Nineteen First Step members and 14 guardians took part in the event, raising $450 (and counting). Each person walked 5K, with water and cheering teams coordinated along the walk.

囊肿性纤维化病基金最宏大的筹款活动就是年度的Great Strides Walk(五公里走路募捐)。每年大约有十二万五千人参加全国各地总共大概三百个活动,以支持治疗囊性纤维化疾病,并提高对这种会导致呼吸困难的罕见的遗传性缩短寿命疾病的认知。囊肿性纤维化病基金的愿望是治愈囊性纤维化,让患者的生活可以完全摆脱这个疾病的痛苦。First Step 团队也希望通过这次Great Strides Walk 募捐的活动,可以进一步推进这个美好的愿望。

The Great Strides Walk is the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s largest fundraising event. Each year, around 125,000 people participate in ~300 walks across the country in support of curing cystic fibrosis and raising awareness about this rare, life-shortening disease (which makes it tough to breathe). The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s vision is a cure for cystic fibrosis, leading to a life free from the tribulations of this disease. We can further this vision through this event; Great Strides is a possibility to make a difference in the lives of people with CF.

关于囊性纤维化的最有名的故事之一是“65 Roses”的故事。1965 年,年仅4岁的Ricky Weiss(被诊断患有CF)听到他的母亲打电话为囊性纤维化研究筹款。听了几个电话后,他走进房间告诉妈妈,他知道她在为“65 Roses”工作(在英文中,cystic fibrosis和65 Roses听着很相似,所以很容易被小孩子混淆)。今天,这已被儿童用来描述他们的疾病。自1965年以来,不同年龄段的儿童都会用“65朵玫瑰”来描述他们的疾病。

One of the most remarkable stories regarding cystic fibrosis is the “65 Roses” story. In 1965, a young 4-year-old Ricky Weiss (diagnosed with CF) heard his mother make phone calls to fundraise for cystic fibrosis research. After several phone calls, he came into the room and told his mom that he knew she was working for “65 Roses.” Since 1965, the term "65 Roses" has been used by children to describe their disease.

在活动期间,First Step成员每人都获得了一件团队T恤,每个人还戴着团队特制的红色帽子。除此之外,此活动的组织和赞助商为参加者免费提供了午餐(来自 Jim & Nick's BBQ;他们多年来一直赞助该活动)、冰淇淋、冰棍、甜甜圈、爆米花和棉花糖。参与的小朋友还可以拿到气球动物作为奖励。沿途有志愿者为参与者加油助威,其中最引人注目的是一位骑独轮车的人,一直在来来回回地欢呼和鼓励大家。像这样的细节使活动更加愉快,也让那些完成步行的人振奋起来和不会感到疲惫。

During this event, First Step members were each given a team T-shirt and a red hat specially designed for the First Step team. Other than this, the organization and sponsors of the event provided attendees with free lunch (from Jim & Nick’s BBQ; they have sponsored this event for numerous years), ice cream, popsicles, donuts, popcorn, and cotton candy. Participating children were also rewarded with animal balloons. Along the walk, many groups of volunteers were stationed to cheer on the partakers, one of the most notable being a person whooping while riding a unicycle. Little details like these made the event more entertaining and less tiring, uplifting those who finished the walk.

First Step(和其他组织的团员)的成员都表示,他们既在参加一个有意义的活动,但同时也在享受着他们所参与的事件。因此,First Step团队同学们表示他们明年还会继续参加这个活动,希望会一直给CF患者的心中点燃与增添几丝希望。通过我们的努力,我们希望可以帮助跟“65 Roses”斗争的人,我们也祝愿每个患者都可以打赢这场斗争,尽早恢复健康。

First Step members (and other participants) are partaking in a meaningful activity, but at the same time, they are enjoying what it is that they are doing. First Step members expressed that they will participate in this activity next year to ignite and add hope to the hearts of people with CF. With our efforts, we can aid those in their battle with “65 Roses,” a struggle that we hope each individual will win.






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销售经理招聘要求】- 全职
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 【销售经理招聘要求】- 兼职
· 具备合法工作身份  
· 热爱销售工作,有基本的销售经验
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· 公司提供专业的入职培训,包括产品知识和销售流程
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· 联系人:
Christina Liu  
· 洛杉矶总部办公电话:
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· 电子邮件: 
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[email protected]

Job Posting: ExecutiveOperation Assistant 

Job Highlight: CatchAir is currently seeking an Executive Operation Assistant with aminimum of 3 years of management experience and proven record. This role isresponsible for training, developing, and evaluating team members. In addition,the executive operation assistant will supervise and oversee daily storeoperations to ensure the efficiencyand profitability of the operation.

Job TitleExecutive OperationAssistant

Job Type: Full time

Job Industries: CustomerService, hospitality

Job Duties:

  • Support logistic and procurement process in both US and foreign     countries (China and South Korea).

  • Schedule travel plans for corporate staff and vendors

  • Enforce the internal rules and policies

  • Support executive’s needs in various areas of accounting, auditing,     and reporting

  • Understand and assess the current operating practices and     coordinate with other teams to streamline current processes or make     suggestions for areas to improve

  • Execute and follow up new initiatives and projects

  • Monitor and evaluate store performance

  • Maintains a favorable working relationship with all     other company team members to foster and promote a cooperative and     harmonious working climate that maximizes team morale, productivity, and     efficiency

  • minimum of 10 to 15% travel

Qualifications and Education:

·        Leadership, self-driven, and enthusiasm

·        Strong work ethic and familiar with businessoperation

·        Excellent written and verbal communicationskills

·        Ability to build strong relationships, workindependently and with team

·        Excellent organizational skills and meticulous

·        Ability to multitask and complete multipleprojects at one time.

  • Ability to work     on flexible schedule. Flexible with work time especially when dealing with     oversea vendors.

  • Ability to work during     weekday, weekends, and holidays

  • College degree in     accounting, finance, business, management, or information system preferred

·        3-5 years of clerical administrative experience,preferably for executive level staff working in a hospitality environment

·        Proper dressed in accordance with dressguidelines, looking neat, clean, and professional at all time

·        Minimum Age: 21+ years old

·        Bilingual in English and Chinese


Benefits: $45,000.00 -$65,000.00 per year, quarterly performance bonus, health insurance, retirementplan and paid time off. H1B and green card sponsor will be available forqualified candidate.

Please email resume to Tina Tang at [email protected] ifinterested. Direct Phone Line: 470-239-4331.




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